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Unable to ftp to AnyConnect VPN client

Lim Victor
Level 1
Level 1

Hi all,

My VPN client is able to ftp to a server on the inside  network but the server is not able to ftp to the VPN client. This  happens when I enable the VPN filter in the group policy.

The error i get will be

access-list  SSL_VPN-ACL denied tcp for user '<unknown>' DMZ/  -> DMZ/ hit-cnt 1 first hit [0x3146b31b, 0x0]

When  i disable the VPN filter, i will not encounter such a problem. I have 2  ASA in the network. 1 of them is acting as a firewall and the other is  acting as the VPN concentrator. The VPN filter has been created to allow to on ftp and vice versa for FTP as well.


Anyone  could advise me why the ftp from the inside ftp server to the vpn  client ftp server fails when the filter is enabled in the group policy?

Thank you.

5 Replies 5

Jouni Forss
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni


To my understanding VPN filter list for VPN Client connections are configured the same way like any other access-list on the firewall.

L2L VPN connections have their own Filter configuration. In that configuration the remote address is always the "source" address in the rules.

Though seems you are using VPN Client so I'm not sure what the problem is. Would seem that there is something wrong with the Filter rule since removing makes it work.

Can you copy/paste some configurations here. Atleast the Filter ACL used for the VPN Client connection

- Jouni

Hi Journi,

Thanks for the reply.

same-security-traffic permit intra-interface

object network NETWORK_OBJ_172.16.121.0_27


object network Test_PC


access-list Split-Tunnel standard permit

access-list Split-Tunnel standard permit

access-list SSL_VPN-ACL extended permit tcp object NETWORK_OBJ_172.16.121.0_27 object Test_PC eq ftp

access-list SSL_VPN-ACL extended permit tcp object Test_PC object NETWORK_OBJ_172.16.121.0_27 eq ftp

access-list SSL_VPN-ACL extended deny ip any any

crypto ipsec ikev2 ipsec-proposal DES

protocol esp encryption des

protocol esp integrity sha-1 md5

crypto ipsec ikev2 ipsec-proposal 3DES

protocol esp encryption 3des

protocol esp integrity sha-1 md5

crypto ipsec ikev2 ipsec-proposal AES

protocol esp encryption aes

protocol esp integrity sha-1 md5

crypto ipsec ikev2 ipsec-proposal AES192

protocol esp encryption aes-192

protocol esp integrity sha-1 md5

crypto ipsec ikev2 ipsec-proposal AES256

protocol esp encryption aes-256

protocol esp integrity sha-1 md5

crypto ipsec security-association pmtu-aging infinite

crypto dynamic-map SYSTEM_DEFAULT_CRYPTO_MAP 65535 set ikev2 ipsec-proposal AES256 AES192 AES 3DES DES

crypto map DMZ_map 65535 ipsec-isakmp dynamic SYSTEM_DEFAULT_CRYPTO_MAP

crypto map DMZ_map interface DMZ

crypto ikev2 policy 1

encryption aes-256

integrity sha

group 5 2

prf sha

lifetime seconds 86400

crypto ikev2 policy 10

encryption aes-192

integrity sha

group 5 2

prf sha

lifetime seconds 86400

crypto ikev2 policy 20

encryption aes

integrity sha

group 5 2

prf sha

lifetime seconds 86400

crypto ikev2 policy 30

encryption 3des

integrity sha

group 5 2

prf sha

lifetime seconds 86400

crypto ikev2 policy 40

encryption des

integrity sha

group 5 2

prf sha

lifetime seconds 86400

crypto ikev2 enable DMZ client-services port 443

crypto ikev2 remote-access trustpoint ASDM_TrustPoint0


enable DMZ


anyconnect image disk0:/anyconnect-win-3.1.01065-k9.pkg 1

anyconnect profiles Test_SSL_VPN_client_profile disk0:/Test_SSL_VPN_client_profile.xml

anyconnect enable

tunnel-group-list enable

group-policy "GroupPolicy_Test SSL VPN" internal

group-policy "GroupPolicy_Test SSL VPN" attributes

wins-server value

dns-server value

vpn-filter value SSL_VPN-ACL

vpn-tunnel-protocol ikev2 ssl-client

split-tunnel-policy tunnelspecified

split-tunnel-network-list value Split-Tunnel

default-domain value


  anyconnect profiles value Test_SSL_VPN_client_profile type user

tunnel-group "Test SSL VPN" type remote-access

tunnel-group "Test SSL VPN" general-attributes

address-pool SSL_VPN

default-group-policy "GroupPolicy_Test SSL VPN"

tunnel-group "Test SSL VPN" webvpn-attributes

group-alias "Test SSL VPN" enable


access-list SSL_VPN-ACL extended permit tcp object remote_object eq remote_port object local_object eq local_port

you don't need to mirror the ACE, it covers both directions

So you need

access-list SSL_VPN-ACL extended permit tcp object NETWORK_OBJ_172.16.121.0_27 eq ftp object Test_PC

Hi Peter,

I am able to FTP from ssl vpn client to inside host but not vice versa.

The access list is in my configuration. Without the other access list, will it resolve the problem?

The asa is not with me now so I can't try. Nevertheless,I will try once I have the chance.


Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPad App

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