I have many connections open to multiple site but at one there is a sonciwall firewall and it will let a client authenticate onto the vpn set up the tunnel and then drop it within 5 minutes
the vpn log show this
197 03/31/2005 10:06:16.030 SEV=4 IP/5 RPT=10
Client Static ARP delete of 10.x.x.xxx failed for Interface 1.
198 03/31/2005 10:06:16.030 SEV=4 AUTH/28 RPT=10 xxx.xxx.xxx.xx
User [xxx] Group [xxx] disconnected:
Session Type: PPTP
Duration: 0:01:34
Bytes xmt: 1646575
Bytes rcv: 191039
Reason: User Requested
202 03/31/2005 10:06:16.030 SEV=4 PPTP/35 RPT=10 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Session closed on tunnel xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (peer 47969, local 18485, serial 12244),
reason: User request (No additional info)
any ideas?