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VPN Site-To-Site Tunnel Drop

Level 1
Level 1

I recently changed are two remote office site-to-site tunnels from a PIX to PIX connection to a VPN3015 to a PIX setup. The PIXs were upgraded to version 6.3.3 and are using stronger encryption.

I both cases for some reason the tunnel decides to randomly disconnect. I can't necessary relate it to any particular instance but I know it does not occur on nights or weekends (bandwidth)? The old Pix to Pix tunnel worked fine on the same 512 Frame line. I don't know where to start and usually I have to reboot the router in front of the Pix to kick the tunnel back up.

2 Replies 2

Level 6
Level 6

Are there any routing protocols running on that router? Is that router performing any NAT/PAT of the tunneled traffic?

You state that you are using a 512K frame circuit? One end is on the router in front of the pix - where is the other end terminated? In front of the vpn 3015 unit?

No I am not running any routing protocols like RIP, OSPF or BGP.

The router in front of the PIX does not perform NAT/PAT. However the firewall that is part of the tunnel does perform NAT/PAT but not for the tunnel traffic.

The other end of the tunnel terminates at our border router. VPN traffic is then routed directly to a VPN 3015. Incoming VPN traffic does not hit our corporate firewall.