01-15-2007 07:03 AM
Folowing security flaw existing in aggressive mode ipsec, Is there a way to deactivate aggresive mode on VPN3000 Concentrator. All my SAs are in main mode but it seems it still answer on aggressive handshake. (verify with tool like ike-scan)
If it's not possible to deactivate it can I mask the ID returned in the handshake has it is the private IP.
01-16-2007 12:02 AM
Go to:
Traffic Management | Security Associations
Edit them and under "IKE Parameters" select all to have Negociation as Main.
Please rate if this helped.
01-16-2007 02:44 AM
All Negociation are "Main Mode" in "IKE Paramethers" but it still answer to Aggressive handshake.
An idea ?
01-25-2007 08:24 AM
I too would like to know the best fix for this.
According to:
"When responding to IPSec session initialization, Cisco IOS? software
may use Aggressive Mode even if it has not been explicitly configured
to do so."
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