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Device registered to cloud, IP address has now changed. Locked out

Level 1
Level 1



We have many devices registered to the cloud. We realise that when a device is registered to the cloud, it disables the admin, thus requires us to connect back into via Control Hub to re-enable it. 


The issue i'm facing is in a location i'm unable to get to, a third party setup a device, registered it to the cloud but completely forgot to re-enable the admin. Unfortunately the device has now change its IP address from the one it was originally registered with and therefore showing as offline in Control Hub meaning i can't access it from there either. The only solution I can think of is to get someone to factory reset it physically at the device, but due to Covid getting someone onsite to do this is proving difficult. 


Is there anyway, other than to get someone to physically factory reset it, to allow me access back into the device to re-register it? 


Also is there anything in the pipeline that we can add/might change, that will stop devices from disabling admin, when it registers to the cloud? In companies that have lots of devices, managed by multiple people across the world, this issue actually happens quite a lot and is frustrating the only solution seems to be a factory reset at source. 


Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.






1 Reply 1

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hi Joe:

Unfortunately if it's showing offline and the admin is not set, even if you could get to the IP, you would not be able to login, this is my understanding.

In terms of the feature enhancement, customers can go to this link to submit feature enhancement requests:


Hope this helps.