Q: Is that only for the current selected site on the drop-down next to the date range?
A: Yes
Q: When will the File Shared by Count Metrics be restored to the Messaging tab under analytics in Control Hub?
A: It is on our backlog, we expect to have it available in Q4 of 2021
Q: Can we get the top users back into messaging analytics in Control Hub?
A: It is a planned feature for next major to messaging analytics, delivery date isn’t available yet
Q: Can you just search for one specific meeting in Control Hub?
A: Not in the analytics, but you can search for a specific meeting in Troubleshooting
Q: Will the new tabs also apply to Webex for Government Control Hub?
A: They will. Control Hub for Government will get new features after the commercial release. We anticipate 4-12 weeks, largely depending on how big the change is.
Q: Does Control Hub allow Admins to actually join a live Webex Meeting to help moderate and troubleshoot issues?
A: Yes, there is an admin join capability, the admin needs to have a special role assigned for it.
Q: Are there any reports for recordings or recording storage available in Control Hub like we currently have in the site admin?
A: It is on our backlog, no release date planned yet
Q: How do you quantify which participants are having the worst VoIP in Control Hub? Is it by the amount of time they spend with more than 5% packet loss or 400ms of latency?
A: Yes
Q: Are the four users you are showing on screen (:23 marker) from the same meeting shown earlier in the demo or from different meetings?
A: They are the same meeting.
Q: We need some analytics on use of Webex Assistant in meetings. i.e. how many people use it etc. This is really important when looking at pricing models for things like RTT. Are there any plans to include that sort of data in Control Hub?
A: It is on our backlog to have a dedicated report. It is also in our backlog to have in meetings analytics for Webex Assistant.
Q: Are the locations determined in Control Hub by user’s IP?
A: Yes, we use a public IP address when determinig location in Control Hub.
Q: Will Control Hub monitor a room device meeting in real time?
A: Yes, alerts will be raised for devices when they are in a meeting.
Q: Are the thresholds you mentioned (:30 marker) set to industry standards?
A: Alert thresholds in Control Hub are entirely configurable.
Q: What is the best practice to manage jitter in Control Hub?
A: Jitter is disabled by default, you can turn it on
Q: Can you purge historical data in Control Hub?
A: Analytics Metrics is purged automatically after 13 months for Pro Pack customers, limited set of reports with 90 days for standard
Q: Can you purge data in Control Hub before 13 months?
A: Not today, but we are looking into it.