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Danny Servantez Jr
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


1)    When a practice session is in progress, attendees who connect via PSTN hear hold music. Are there any plans to extend that to attendees connected via VoIP?

  1.      Yes, this is planned!



2)    Will polling results show who answered and the timestamp?

  1.      Yes if you're internal (same org as Slido belongs)



3)    Do you have any plans to allow content (slides) to be shared while a practice session is in progress similar to what could be done with Webex Events (classic)?

  1.      Yes, it will be coming very soon.



4)    Do the files go out with the invite email or just when they go to join the webinar?

  1.      User needs to sign into their site and download from the webinar detail page.



5)    Does the webinar materials get sent to registrants that were registered before the material was uploaded?

  1.      Attendee can go into the detail page in their site to download



6)    Are poll results automatically saved if you forget?

  1.      There is a prompt to save, but I do not see an option to do that automatically



7)    How will the single join URL work for attendees and presenters?

  1.      This will be handled in the back end to see who is a panelist and put them in the right place



    Will you be able setup recurring webinars soon?

  1.      We're working on it and no date yet.



9)    A feature gap between Webex Events (Classic) & Webinars. The ability to let attendees see the enumerated list of attendees. Is this planned to be closed?

  1.      The team is thinking about this, with the larger number of attendees now possible, there are some technical considerations to think over



10) Is the quality of sharing videos/mp4 any better (less laggy)? Share File isn't an option for us as we use WebEx Endpoints and the videos/files don't display.

  1.      Recommendation is to use "Optimize for motion and video" to share video/mp4 files for best experience.



11) Will the recording preferences ever match up with what is displayed for attendees?

  1.      Yes, that is coming.



12) Re: individual polling results…that is not our experience. in webex polling (not slido) we aren’t able to see individual polling results

  1.      I am sorry I didn't show it, I did see a prompt to save individual results and that will show individual results. I will ask some colleagues to join and we can test this out.



13) When will recording in breakouts be available?

  1.      We’re working on that but no timeline yet.



14) Heard support for managing NDI feeds is coming. Do you have a timeline available?

  1.      We will share this with Si Meng to see if it's in short or long range planning



15) Any suggestions on how to help non tech people with the slido add in. I have users who close it and can't figure out how to get it back open.

  1.      Perhaps showing the app icon at the bottom if someone closes the Slido embedded into Webex, that button will open it again



16) Can you enable attendee videos in webinar?

  1.      Attendee don't have video in webinar, only speaker/panelist will.



17) When will Webinar allow you to save panelists as part of a saved template?

  1.      Do not have a date to share yet. 



18) How do you lock slido so users can't turn it off and lose it during the presentation

  1.      Slido cannot be locked.



19) We got an error using the redirect that site settings didn't allow it. Assume something needs to be set in Control Hub. Correct?

  1.      Domain used in the redirect page needs to be configured in site admin.



20) when adding a landing page after the webinar, does that site need to be approved in control hub first?

  1.      domains need to be configured in site admin



21) For redirect website when leaving webinar, does this have to be set with individual domains or can it it be set for any domain? Couldn't find in Webex Help.

  1.      domains have to be configured in site admin before it can be redirected.



22) Do you have more info on how to set domains in CH for the redirect?




23) does the polling give names and time stamps of when they answered the polls

  1.      I can save Individual Responses to see person's response but I do not see that there is a time stamp



24) Downloadable Q&A and Polling info after a webinar is only for the native Q&A or polling, not Slido, right?

  1.      Correct. Slido content is saved separately



25) 100.000 attendees is Webcast or really Webinar? What is the real limitation of the webinar than?

  1.      Webinar with Webcast View is required for over 3,000 participants



26) Can you send a link to Whats New in Webex for April?

  1.      You can find our Webex Community Events here --> Coming in May we will have a revamped 60 minute deeper dive What's New Webinar series that is going to even better!



27) Why doesn't the comparison table just point/link to the article with the similar, but larger (ore rows/features) table?

  1.      Great feedback, we will see if they can do both! A high level and a deeper dive
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