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Level 10
Level 10

Core Issue

It is observed that CWWLSE-1130-K9 does not discover the WLSMs (WS-SVC-WLAN-1-K9). The WLSMs run Cisco IOS  Software Release 12.3(7)JA2 and the WLSE is WLSE 1130 Release 2.12. The discover process reports "Device Not Supported" when a user tries to discover the WLSMs.

This happens after the WLSM is discovered and deleted by the user. An issue, which requires "services stop/start" (restart the unit) to have the WLSM authenticate (and hence discovered). This is related to the authentication protocol between the WLSE and WLSM where a sequence number used by the mutual authentication is not synched up.

This defect was discovered in WLSE version 2.13 and is discussed in Cisco bug ID CSCsb73871.


In order to resolve this issue, restart the services that allowed WLSE to start with a fresh sequence number.

For more information about configuring the WLSM, refer to the Configuring WLSM Access Points section of Configuring IOS APs for Radio Management.

For more information about the supported devices on the WLSE, refer to Supported Devices Table for the CiscoWorks Wireless LAN Solution Engine 2.12.

Note: The WLSM does not implement Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP). The only way to discover a WLSM device is through Wireless LAN Controller Configuration Protocol (WLCCP). For this, the WLSM needs to be configured for Wireless Domain Services (WDS). You then need to add the Wireless Network Manager (WNM) IP address (wlccp wnm ip address) at the WLSM. SNMP credentials should also match between the WLSM and the WLSE. This is needed for the WLSE to get certain MIB objects during discovery and inventory.

Problem Type

Client / Device cannot authenticate.

Error message


CiscoWorks Wireless LAN Solution Engine (WLSE)

Wireless LAN Service Module (WLSM)


Wireless ISR network

Product OS

WLSE Software

Wireless Devices Errors, Warnings, Statistics and Log Messages

Device not supported

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