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Error: Object "GuestUserTemplate" does not exist


While trying to create a guest user via wcs, user sees the following message:

Error: Object "GuestUserTemplate" does not exist.


If you are using WCS with the lobby ambassador account to create guest users and not a super admin or admin account, which is not supported, check the following:
-Make sure in WCS there is an SNMP RW community string configured as well as on the WLC.

-Increase the max local database entries under WLC-Security-AAA settings to 1024.
To increase the database size, type the following commanf from the CLI of WLC:

config database size


(Cisco Controller) >config database size ?

<count>        Enter the maximum number of entries (512-2048).

Please save the configuration and reset the system ("reset system") for the change to take effect.

Database Size on the WLC

In order to configure the database using the GUI, navigate to the Security > General page on the WLC. You can configure the database size as shown here:



Once you configure the database size using the controller CLI or GUI, you need to reboot the controller for the configuration to take effect. The show data summary command lists the number of current database entries and the number of database entries after reboot.

(Cisco Controller) >show database summary

Maximum Database Entries......................... 2048
Maximum Database Entries On Next Reboot.......... 2048
Database Contents
    MAC Filter Entries........................... 2
    Exclusion List Entries....................... 0
    AP Authorization List Entries................ 1
    Management Users............................. 1
    Local Network Users.......................... 1
        Local Users.............................. 1
        Guest Users.............................. 0
    Total........................................ 5


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