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Level 10


Aironet Desktop Utility (ADU) is a profile manager utility for the Cisco Aironet CB21AG and PI21AG client adapters. This utility allows the user to create and manage up to 16 profiles for the client adapter. A profile is a set of configuration settings (network settings) on the client adapter that allows your wireless adapter to connect to a network Access Point (AP) (infrastructure mode) or computer (device-to-device ad hoc mode).

Profiles enable the user to use the client adapter in different locations, each of which requires different configuration settings. Some examples are profiles for home, office, airports, and public hotspots. Once the profiles are created, the user does not have to configure the client adapter after each move to a new location. Instead, the user only needs to switch between the different profiles.

Cisco Aironet CB21AG and PI21AG client adapter software is incompatible with other Cisco Aironet client adapter software. The ADU must be used with CB21AG and PI21AG cards.

The latest version of the ADU utility can be downloaded from Wireless Software downloads.

To create a profile using the ADU, perform these steps:

  1. To open the ADU profile manager, double-click the Aironet Desktop Utility icon on the desktop.
  2. Click on New on the ADU (Profile Management) window. The Profile Management (General) window appears.
  3. Enter a name for your new profile (such as office, home, etc.) in the Profile Name field.
  4. If you want this profile to use the default values, click OK. The profile is added to the profiles list on the ADU (Profile Management) window.
  5. To change any of the configuration parameter settings (to values specified by your system administrator, for example), select the General, Advanced, and Security tabs. Change any desired parameter values. Click OK when you are finished making changes. The profile is added to the profiles list on the Cisco ADU window.
  6. To activate a profile, select the profile from the Profile Management window, and click on Activate.

For more information and example screenshots on how to create a new profile on the client adapter, refer to the Using the Profile Manager.

For information on configuring the General, Advanced and Security parameters on the client adapter, refer to Configuring the Client Adapter.

Problem Type

Configure / Configuration issues


PCI 340, 350

PCM 340, 350



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