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Vinay Sharma
Level 7
Level 7



This document explains about WLAN automatic enable/disable feature.


If you have a Cisco Wireless Control System (WCS) that configured separate WLANs, then it is possible to schedule one of these WLANs to automatically disable at X time and enable at X time each day. This feature is know as "Managing WLAN".

WCS enables you to change the status of more than one WLAN at a time on a given controller. You can select multiple WLANs and select the date and time for that status change to take place.

To schedule multiple WLANs for a status change, follow these steps:

  • Step 1 Choose Configure > Controllers.
  • Step 2 Click the IP address of the appropriate controller.
  • Step 3 From the left sidebar menu, select WLANs > WLAN Configuration.
  • Step 4 Select the check boxes of the WLANs that you want to schedule for a status change.
  • Step 5 From the Select a command drop-down list, choose Schedule Status to open the WLAN Schedule Task Detail page



The selected WLANs are listed at the top of the page.

  • Step 6 Enter a Scheduled Task Name to identify this status change schedule.
  • Step 7 Select the new Admin Status (Enabled or Disabled) from the drop-down list.
  • Step 8 Select the schedule time using the hours and minutes drop-down lists.
  • Step 9 Click the calendar icon to choose a schedule date or enter the date in the text box (MM/DD/YYYY).
  • Step 10 Select the appropriate Recurrence radio button to determine the frequency of the status change (Daily, Weekly, or No Recurrence).
  • Step 11 Click Submit to initiate the status change schedule.

View and Manage Scheduled WLAN tasks in WCS

Step 1 Choose Configure > Scheduled Configuration Tasks.

Step 2 From the left sidebar, choose WLAN Configuration to open the WLAN Configuration Task List page.

Step 3 If scheduled configuration tasks are available, the WLAN Configuration Task List page contains the following parameters:

  • Schedule Task Name—The user-defined name of the new scheduled task.
  • Schedule—Indicates the status of the scheduled task.
  • WLAN Status—Indicates the status of the WLAN.
  • Controller IP Address—Indicates the IP address of the controller.
  • Last Run Time—Indicates the date and time of the most recent scheduled task.
  • Next Scheduled Run—Indicates the date and time of the next scheduled task.
  • Recurrence—Indicates Daily or Weekly if the scheduled task is recurring.

Step 4 Select the Task Name link to open the WLAN Schedule Detail page. From this page, you can modify the date and time of the scheduled task. See Section A for more information.

Step 5 Select the check box of the scheduled task and use the Select a command drop-down list located in the WLAN Configuration Task List page to enable, disable, or delete selected tasks.

  • Enable Schedule—Enable the task if its schedule is disabled on the server.
  • Disable Schedule—Disable the running scheduled task on the server. Once disabled, the task will not run at the scheduled time. You can re-enable the task at a later time.
  • View History—View the execution results for individual WLAN tasks including reasons for any failures.
  • Delete Task(s)—Delete the selected task from the WCS server.

Deploying Templates and Tasks - Cisco Prime Infrastructure 2.0

Managing Scheduled Configuration Task Templates

The Scheduled Configuration Tasks page allows you to navigate to any templates, configuration tasks, or software download tasks that have been scheduled earlier and provides a filtered view of these tasks. This page displays the summary information about a task. The information includes the template name, last time the task was run, next time the task is scheduled to run, and a link to view the results of previous runs. You can also edit the template, modify the schedule, enable, disable, or delete a scheduled task.

After you create and schedule a configuration template, configuration group, or a software download task, the scheduled task or template is listed in the Scheduled Configuration Tasks page.

Note: You cannot create any new scheduled task or template in this page. You can only edit the scheduled task or template that is already created.

You can modify, enable, disable, or delete the following scheduled configuration tasks:

  • AP Template
  • Config Group
  • WLAN Configuration
  • Download Software


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