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Vinay Sharma
Level 7
Level 7



 User complained that ncs server is restart, but the NCS can not start  DB and Can't use WEB interface access.

the status:

PCQ-NCS-01/admin# ncs status
Health Monitor is running, with an error.
initHealthMonitor(): can not start DB
Reporting Server is Stopped
Ftp Server is Stopped
Database server is stopped
Tftp Server is Stopped
Matlab Server is Stopped
NMS Server is stopped.
PCQ-NCS-01/admin# ncs start

Starting Network Control System...

This may take a few minutes...
Health Monitor is already running.

Failure during Network Control System startup.  Check launchout.log for details.
the show-tech file


Another User shared that he has the same problem too. PI version is 1.3. PI have not been working after rebooting hardware appliance. I have been receiving same message like hailin huang when I use command ncs status.


Did an SSH session happen to time out while you were in the process of upgrading or performing other actions?

Hopefully you have the NCS backed up.

To get it back up and running do the following from the CLI.

1. Stop the NCS
2. Run 'ncs db reinitdb'
3. Start the NCS

***WARNING*** You may lose database information but with this you

should be able to get the NCS back up and running.

More Information

PI 1.x Health Monitor is running, with an error/NMS Server is stopped
PI cannot start completely after the re-setup with different hostname/IP address from that in the original setup.

NCS-APL-01-new/admin# ncs status
Health Monitor is running, with an error.
failed to start NCS on startup Health Monitor
Reporting Server is running
Ftp Server is running
Database server is running
Tftp Server is running
Matlab Server is running
NMS Server is stopped.
SAM Daemon is running ...
DA Daemon is running ...
Syslog Daemon is running ...

Not happen in 1.1.X or earlier

from the root shell,
update the file /opt/CSCOlumos/conf/ with the correct ipaddress.


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