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WAP4410N RMA process

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Level 1

Picking up 2 new units from today... I'll let you all know if they are v1 or v2 when they get here.

I called Cisco @ 1-800-553-2447 about the other 5 we have to get them RMA'd and told them I'd like to do an advanced exchange so we aren't without Wifi totally for a week due to this hardware issue. I'm and end user (bought them through 3rd party vendors) and don't have a Cisco support contract.

After 11 minutes to answer the call, I explained the issue for 3 minutes and was put on hold for another 4 minutes and she came back to ask me for our Cisco ID.  I told her my ID and she asked for a serial #... I gave that, she checked it was under warranty still and then set up a call back from an engineer.  She verified my phone number, asked if I wanted an email confirmation of the request, and had me give a brief description again of the issue for her to note for the engineer. On hold again at 26 minutes into the call, she filled out the rest of the support request... and then at 31 minutes into the call came back and said she had to transfer me to a different department since it is a small business product...

"Please wait" played repeatedly for the next 2 minutes and then she introduced me to an Engineer.

He looked up the serial number and asked if I could forward a receipt to him to prove purchase date.  I couldn't easily do so... I explained it was a known issue and directed him here.  He set up a case# for me and arranged an RMA advanced exchange of the 5 units of a $75 fee.  I'm fine with paying the $75 to not be without wifi for days while waiting on replacement units.  I was transferred to an automated prompt that took my credit card info... which failed to work.  Tried again... failed to work again.  The card is good... not sure what's up there.  I told him I had to go due to a guy waiting on me in the office at this point.  He finished the RMA setup and is supposed to let me know when it's done.  He said he'd figure out the payment thing and let me know. :-P

Friendly folks, but man...

Total call time = 55 minutes.

For the record, those of you looking to get your units replaced, you need to call:


That would have saved me 30 minutes.

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Level 1
Level 1

The original RMA of my first 5 units came in Monday and I installed them all after updating firmware from they came with to and so far so good. It took a little more work to change the IP's on the newer firmware than it did on the older Linksys firmware too.  Not sure why, but it wouldn't stick unless I was on a hub with the wireless point directly.  If I changed the IP over our network and then flipped to that IP on my machine, it just timed out.  Eventually getting into the web interface would show it didn't take the static IP I gave and instead used a random number in the last octet.  VERY strange.  This was repeatable on all 5 units.  Putting the AP and my computer on a hub by themselves and assigning static to my computer and connecting to the default of the point... I could change it to 192.168.20.xx and then change my machine to the and connect to it fine.  VERY odd that this wouldn't take unless I was on the hub that way. May have been a local DNS issue or something, not sure.  Once we were in the x.x.20.x range, I put both of us on the network and all was well.


The TigerDirect units came in today and they are both V01 units (despite the updated Cisco branded packaging vs the Linksys packaging on the original WAP4410N's I bought).  I called Cisco and they said they imagine TigerDirect and NewEgg have a lot of older stock still.  The SER.... serial numbers are the newer ones so the tech was surprised to hear it started with that, but apparently it wasn't new enough as it was still V01.

I set up a new RMA for the 2 new units from TigerDirect (again had to point the tech to Dave Hornstein's comments here for him to agree to RMA them).  Bummer that you can't tell what hardware version it is unless you open up the box (remove shrink wrap) and look at the sticker on the back of the unit itself.  If you could tell by looking at the box, I'd have confirmed with the vendor before ordering.  I suggested to the tech that they print the V# on the serial number sticker on the box...

I'm glad the V02 units resolve this issue... I'm bummed it's such a hassle to get them still. :-P

Total call time waiting on the RMA setup = 30 minutes.