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ANT5959 Documentation

Level 2
Level 2

Has anyone got the ANT5959 documentation that comes in the packaging. I am interested on how the ceiling tiles should be cut to allow this Antenna to fit flush against the ceiling.

5 Replies 5

Scott Fella
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Would this help:

The only part that needs to be notched is where the antenna leads of the antennas need to go.

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Yes I found this on the CCO, we are not using the ceiling track they are just attached to the ceiling tile. If you look at the attached sketch you can see how the tiles are cut at the moment and how I think they should be cut (Just two holes). The Antenna seems to drop to one side as it only has 2 clips on one side.

All of the documents that came with the Antenna have been discarded I was wondering if there was another document apart from the link you have just posted

that came with the Antenna.


The doc doesn't show you how to mount the antenna without using the ceiling grid. There is no other doc that comes with the antenna. You can go either way on your drawing, but how you hold the antenna up without using the rails will be up to the installers. I have seen where they break the clips and make two holes for the antenna lead and use a clamp on the lead to prevent the antenna from falling. I have also seen where they cut a rectangle just like what you have and again using clamps on the lead to hold the antenna flush to the tile.

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Thanks for the help



What you can do is use a spring type cotter pin that will snap onto the antenna lead and rest onto of the tile. then you can have the installers use a zip tie on the antenna lead to prevent the antenna from sliding down and to hold the antenna snug. They would need to make two holes and not one big rectangle opening. Here is a link to what th epins look like:

I guess you can also use a rubber stoper plug and cut it in half and then zip tie the halfs together to also hold up the antenna.

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