I am having an issue with one of my Access Points where it started wanting to connect at only 100 Mb Full Duplex. The configuration on the interface is set to Auto for speed and duplex.
When the AP is booting, I have noticed the following on the console output
IOS Bootloader - Starting system.
flash is writable
Tide XL MB - 40MB of flash
Xmodem file system is available.
flashfs[0]: 239 files, 7 directories
flashfs[0]: 0 orphaned files, 0 orphaned directories
flashfs[0]: Total bytes: 41158656
flashfs[0]: Bytes used: 13755904
flashfs[0]: Bytes available: 27402752
flashfs[0]: flashfs fsck took 10 seconds.
Base Ethernet MAC address: 74:26:ac:xx:xx:xx
Ethernet speed is 100 Mb - FULL Duplex
I have no idea how the speed when the AP is only booting up or in ROMMON got set to 100 Mb Full, but is there a way to get it set back to auto?