I have a Cisco WiSM running on a 6000 series switch.
I noticed when looking at the MAC address table that I have two entries for each client. The first is the actual client MAC address in the associated wireless VLAN. The second is a slightly transposed MAC address in the AP Manager VLAN. Example:
* 208 0013.0273.8b6d dynamic Po2
* 129 0273.8b6d.000e dynamic Po2
208 is my client wireless VLAN and 129 is my AP Manager VLAN. These MAC addresses always end with 000e.
I then sometimes see error messages from my 4000 series switches about invalid source MAC addresses:
Nov 9 08:02:00.971 CST: %C4K_L2MAN-6-INVALIDSOURCEADDRESSPACKET: (Suppressed 924 times)Packet received with invalid source MAC address (7D:10:9A:37:00:0E) on port Gi1/1 in vlan 129
Anyone else see this type of behavior? Any ideas?