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WISM Upgrade Failure

Level 1
Level 1

We have tried to upgrade two Wism from version to

At the first Controller the FTP transfer of the new SW was successful, but at the

second Controller the FTP transfer didn't start.

Following error message appears: “At least one AP is upgrading image, download cannot start”

However no AP is associated or is trying to download a image at this controller.

I have also tried to restrict APs for associating to the controller with “Authorize APs against AAA” - no effect.

A reboot of the controller is also not possible. - same error message.

Any feedback is welcome.

6 Replies 6

Scott Fella
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Try to shut the gig ethernet port on the chassis that goes to that wlc module. Use the service port to do the upgrade and see if that works for you.

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Leo Laohoo
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

May I clarify something? You said that you get this error message even if there are NO AP's associated to this WiSM, do you confirm?

Error still continues even if this WiSM is reloaded?

From show ap summary, there is no AP detected. as follows:

(wc-sg-sin-002) >show ap summary

Number of APs.................................... 0

Global AP User Name.............................. nocap

Global AP Dot1x User Name........................ Not Configured

AP Name Slots AP Model Ethernet MAC Location Port Country Priority

Hi Edmond,

Can you do "sh sysinfo" on your WiSM and post the output please?

We have tried to shutdown the GigabitEthernet ports on the Chassis which is the Port-Channel to the Controller.

But if I start the FTP transfer for the upgrade over the Service Port , the same error message appears and the

download didn't start.

wc-sg-sin-002) >show sysinfo

Manufacturer's Name.............................. Cisco Systems Inc.

Product Name..................................... Cisco Controller

Product Version..................................

RTOS Version..................................... Linux-2.6.10_mvl401

Bootloader Version...............................

Build Type....................................... DATA + WPS

System Name...................................... wc-sg-sin-002

System Location.................................. Singapore, 349282, SG

System Contact................................... Network Operation Center

System ObjectID..................................

IP Address.......................................

System Up Time................................... 146 days 19 hrs 29 mins 17 secs

System Timezone Location.........................

Current Boot License Level.......................

Next Boot License Level..........................

Configured Country............................... Multiple Countries:SG,IN,ID,MY,CN,TW,HK

Operating Environment............................ Commercial (0 to 40 C)

Internal Temp Alarm Limits....................... 0 to 65 C

Internal Temperature............................. +41 C

--More-- or (q)uit

State of 802.11b Network......................... Enabled

State of 802.11a Network......................... Enabled

Number of WLANs.................................. 3

3rd Party Access Point Support................... Disabled

Number of Active Clients......................... 0

Burned-in MAC Address............................ 00:21:D8:B0:CA:80

Maximum number of APs supported.................. 150

I *think* (emphasis on the word "think") the problem is your Bootloader Version (

Can you try upgrading the bootloader version in the following sequence: ER ER ER

and finally the version where you are running your current firmware.

By the way, ER stands for Emergency Release. It's actually a "patch".

Note: The final "true" bootstrap version is ER. Which means if you upgraded the bootstrap to 5.X, when you do a "sh sysinfo", the bootstrap will always report as

How you were able to upgrade your firmware to version 5.X with a 3.X bootstrap is strange.

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