hello every one,
i have 2 x ACI Fabrics (in a Dual Site design). Each of the 2 x ACI Fabrics (via the 2 border Leafs) is connected (DCI : 2 x 10Gbps links) to DWDM boxes. I am in Network Centric approach. All the EPGs (VLANs) are extended between the 2 DC sites.
I have configured on each Fabric , the same EPG (vlan 100-1000) for DATAs flows, EPG (VLAN 2099) for Backup flows and EPG (VLAN 2098) for Replication Storage flows.
I want to apply (COS) QOS and Rate Shaping (Limiting) VLAN 2098 and VLAN 2099 flows on the DCI ( vPC 2 X 10Gbps). ("encap = VLAN 100-1000, 2098 and 2099" is defined on each DCI vPC).
Do you know how i can do that?
I saw some posts in this Forum (ex https://supportforums.cisco.com/t5/application-centric/cisco-aci-qos/td-p/2688917) but nobody , it seems to me, trying to do what i must do.
Thanks a lot in advance if somebody can help me or give an advice.