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Can we export the configuration snapshot file from ACI using winscp ?

Hi Experts , 


Can we export the configuration snapshot file using winscp ? 


I have configured a tenant with name SAROVANI I have taken the snapshots as shown in below ...But I am unable to export the file to my local machine .. 


Can I export these file using winscp ? if yes , what will be the path ? 


ACI sftp.PNG




5 Replies 5

VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

Hi @Network_Sarovani ,

You can't (AFAIK) copy the snapshot from the APIC as simply as that. [edit: See @Sergiu.Daniluk 's reply below for a more knowledgeable view about this]

BUT you can set up your PC to be the target of the snapshot process.  But you need to run a FTP server (such as FileZilla FTP server) on your PC


  • In the ACI GUI, navigate to Admin > Import/Export >> Remote Locations
  • Create an FTP remote location that points to your PC's IP address. Admin > Import/Export >> Remote Locations >+ Create Remote Location

Name:                                     MyPC_FTP.Loc
Host Name (or IP address):    <IP Address of your PC - if using DevNet sandbox, your VPN IP>
Protocol:                                 ftp
Username:                             <Whatever you set up on your FTP Server>
Password:                               <Whatever you set up on your FTP Server>

  • Create a Configuration Export policy to capture config as JSON: Admin > Import/Export >> Export Policies > Configuration >+ Create Configuration Export Policy

Name:                           MyFavourite_ConfigExportPol
Format:                         JSON
Start Now:                    Yes
Export Destination:      MyPC_FTP.Loc.   (As specified above)


  • Click Submit then immediately select yourMyFavourite_ConfigExportPol policy and click the [Operational] tab to watch the progress of the backup.
    1. Check your FTP Root folder on your Desktop too.
    2. Check the FileZilla FTP server too.

Confirm the backup Job ran successfully and file has been uploaded to your local PC

The backup will be a tarball in gzip format, so you'll have to unzip it then un-tar it. I run macOS, so I have built in commands to do this, on a Windows PC you'll probably need a 3rd party app to do this.



RedNectar aka Chris Welsh.
Forum Tips: 1. Paste images inline - don't attach. 2. Always mark helpful and correct answers, it helps others find what they need.

VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

Hi @Network_Sarovani 


Though I recommend the way Chris described to collect the snapshots, you can however collect all the snapshots from APIC directly using scp (winscp tool in your case). The location of the snapshots is /data2/snapshots/ 

apic3# cd /data2/snapshots/ 
apic3# ls
ce2_defaultOneTime_tn-BCR-2021-07-19T16-40-37.tar.gz ce2_defaultOneTime_tn-BCR-2021-08-13T16-25-12.tar.gz





Well there you go! I just learned something new too

@Sergiu.Daniluk's answer is better than mine!


RedNectar aka Chris Welsh.
Forum Tips: 1. Paste images inline - don't attach. 2. Always mark helpful and correct answers, it helps others find what they need.


I didn't find the data2 folder in the PROD APIC! can you help me? (I found it in the PREPROD APIC in different environement)

Level 1
Level 1

Yes, you can definitely use WinSCP to export the configuration snapshot. First, log in to the server via WinSCP. The snapshot files are usually stored in directories like /var/backups/ or a specific path related to your configuration. If you’re not sure where your SAROVANI tenant saves snapshots, you might need to check the settings or the documentation for the exact path.

Once you find the right directory, you can simply drag and drop the snapshot file to your local machine using WinSCP. If the directory isn’t accessible or visible, you might need the right permissions to view or download the file. I’ve had to do that a few times—just make sure you’re in the right directory and have the necessary access rights.

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