05-15-2012 03:04 AM
I am new to Waas and I would like some clarification on my setup
I have 3 * 574 devices and a CM (see diagram)
One device is remote and inline- Site 3
I have a Management device and an application accelerator at site 1
I have a an application accelerator at site 2
The devices at Site 1 and 2 are all on the same Mgmt LAN using their Gig 1/0 interfaces (,2 and 3).
Sites 1 and 2 are separate sites but the core switches are linked over a wan
The two Cisco 3925 routers are conencted to two different MPLS circuits
Site 1 & 2 Cisco 3925 routers are using a tertiary interface to connect to the 574 on a private LAN
I tried going live at the weekend with this set up using GRE tunnels and experienced loss of connectivity to devices behind the router
I shutdown the gig 0/1 interface and everything was restored to normal
The 3925 router configurations are as follows (same at both sites)
configure terminal
ip wccp 61
ip wccp 62
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
! Updates the LAN interface
ip wccp 61 redirect in
interface GigabitEthernet0/2
! Updates the WAN interface
ip wccp 62 redirect in
default interface gigabitEthernet 0/1
interface gig 0/1
ip address
description P2P WAAS
ip wccp redirect exclude in
no shut
I have router lists configured to point at the 3925 for both WAAS devices.
When I look at the default gateway for the 172.30 interfaces it is pointing at the other LAN (the management) 10.10.10.x. Will this matter if I have a router list configured?
Should I be using WCCP Layer 2 as my router/WAE are directly connected. Can 3925 routers handle this?
Also I have just realized that the primary interface is set to gig 1/0, would it need to be set to gig 2/0 on the devcies connected to the routers
Any help much appreciated
Solved! Go to Solution.
05-16-2012 06:18 PM
primary interface is the interface which it uses to communicate to CM. i don't understand why there is break in communication between CM and WAE when you change the gateway on WAE, i saw you said their IP address are segment, so they are L2 neighbor.
regarding your second option, that is good option of changing redircet method to L2 and default IP forwarding, with gateway directly to redirecting router. A simple and widely deployed WAAS setup.
05-15-2012 06:11 PM
can u share the config of your WAE site-1 also. From router config everything is good except "ip wccp redirect exclude in" on gi0/1. this command is not required in your setup.
Your setup is correct, but network outage is because of redirection loop, probably because of wrong route in wae or something. will discuss once get a config...
05-16-2012 12:03 AM
Thanks for responding to my questions.
I have edited out the domain name and NTP information. The configuration is the one from the weekend. I have not updated the primary interface or changed the method for redirection i.e. to WCCP Layer 2
The 172.30.1.x subnet is not being routed
Thanks for your help in advance
Site1WAAS#show running-config
! waas-universal-k9 version 4.4.5a (build b3 Apr 4 2012)
device mode application-accelerator
hostname Site1WAAS
ip domain-name xxxx.com
primary-interface GigabitEthernet 1/0
bridge 1 protocol ieee
interface GigabitEthernet 1/0
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet 2/0
ip address
interface InlineGroup 1/1
inline vlan all
ip default-gateway
no auto-register enable
! ip path-mtu-discovery is disabled in WAAS by default
ip name-server x.x.x.x
ntp server x.x.x.x
wccp router-list 7
wccp tcp-promiscuous service-pair 61 62 failure-detection 30
wccp tcp-promiscuous service-pair 61 62 router-list-num 7
wccp version 2
username admin password 1 $1$uHY0pyao$y/RjK1O.Nv8QLX20omEQD.
username admin privilege 15
authentication login local enable primary
authentication configuration local enable primary
tfo tcp optimized-send-buffer 2048
tfo tcp optimized-receive-buffer 2048
virtual-blade enable
virtual-blade 1
description NAM Virtual Blade
device cpu qemu64
device nic e1000
device disk IDE
device keyboard en-us
memory 1024
disk 40
interface 1 bridge-group 1 mac-address 00:26:55:AE:95:64
cpu-list 1
boot cd-image disk /local1/vbs/appHelper.iso
boot from disk
no autostart
policy-engine application
set-dscp copy
name Authentication
name Backup
name CAD
name Call-Management
name Conferencing
name Console
name Content-Management
name Directory-Services
name Email-and-Messaging
name Enterprise-Applications
name File-System
name File-Transfer
name Instant-Messaging
name Name-Services
name P2P
name Printing
name Remote-Desktop
name Replication
name SQL
name SSH
name SSL
name Storage
name Streaming
name Systems-Management
name VPN
name Version-Management
name WAFS
name Web
name Other
classifier AOL
match dst port range 5190 5193
classifier Altiris-CarbonCopy
match dst port eq 1680
classifier Amanda
match dst port eq 10080
classifier Apple-iChat
match dst port range 5297 5298
classifier BFTP
match dst port eq 152
classifier BGP
match dst port eq 179
classifier BMC-Patrol
match dst port range 6161 6162
match dst port range 6767 6768
match dst port range 8160 8161
match dst port eq 10128
classifier Basic-TCP-services
match dst port range 1 19
classifier BitTorrent
match dst port range 6881 6889
match dst port eq 6969
classifier CIFS
match dst port eq 139
match dst port eq 445
classifier Cisco-CallManager
match dst port eq 2443
match dst port eq 2748
classifier Clearcase
match dst port eq 371
classifier CommVault
match dst port range 8400 8403
classifier ControlIT
match dst port eq 799
classifier DNS
match dst port eq 53
classifier Danware-NetOp
match dst port eq 6502
classifier Double-Take
match dst port eq 1100
match dst port eq 1105
classifier EMC-Celerra-Replicator
match dst port eq 8888
classifier EMC-SRDFA-IP
match dst port eq 1748
classifier FCIP
match dst port eq 3225
classifier FTPS
match src port eq 989
classifier Filenet
match dst port range 32768 32774
classifier Gnutella
match dst port range 6346 6349
match dst port eq 5634
match dst port eq 6355
classifier Grouper
match dst port eq 8038
classifier HP-OpenView
match dst port range 7426 7431
match dst port eq 7501
match dst port eq 7510
classifier HTTP
match dst port eq 80
match dst port eq 3128
match dst port eq 8000
match dst port eq 8080
match dst port eq 8088
classifier HTTPS
match dst port eq 443
classifier HotLine
match dst port range 5500 5503
classifier IBM-DB2
match dst port eq 523
classifier IBM-TSM
match dst port range 1500 1502
classifier IPP
match dst port eq 631
classifier Kazaa
match dst port eq 1214
classifier Kerberos
match dst port eq 88
match dst port eq 888
match dst port eq 2053
classifier L2TP
match dst port eq 1701
classifier LANDesk
match dst port range 9593 9595
match dst port eq 9535
classifier LDAP
match dst port eq 389
match dst port eq 8404
classifier Laplink-ShareDirect
match dst port eq 2705
classifier Laplink-surfup-HTTPS
match dst port eq 1184
classifier Legato-NetWorker
match dst port range 7937 7939
classifier Legato-RepliStor
match dst port range 7144 7145
classifier Liquid-Audio
match dst port eq 18888
classifier MDaemon
match dst port range 3000 3001
classifier MS-GROOVE
match dst port eq 2492
classifier MS-NetMeeting
match dst port eq 522
match dst port eq 1503
match dst port eq 1731
classifier MySQL
match dst port eq 3306
classifier NFS
match dst port eq 2049
classifier NNTP
match dst port eq 119
classifier NTP
match dst port eq 123
classifier Napster
match dst port eq 6666
match dst port eq 6677
match dst port eq 6688
match dst port eq 6700
match dst port eq 7777
match dst port eq 8875
classifier NetIQ
match dst port range 10113 10116
match dst port eq 2220
match dst port eq 2735
classifier Netopia-netOctopus
match dst port eq 1917
match dst port eq 1921
classifier OpenVPN
match dst port eq 1194
classifier Oracle
match dst port eq 66
classifier Other-Secure
match dst port eq 261
match dst port eq 448
match dst port eq 695
match dst port eq 2252
match dst port range 2478 2479
match dst port eq 2482
match dst port eq 2484
match dst port eq 2679
match dst port eq 2762
match dst port eq 2998
match dst port range 3077 3078
match dst port eq 3183
match dst port eq 3191
match dst port eq 3220
match dst port eq 3410
match dst port eq 3424
match dst port eq 3471
match dst port eq 3496
match dst port eq 3509
match dst port eq 3529
match dst port eq 3539
match dst port range 3660 3661
match dst port eq 3747
match dst port eq 3864
match dst port eq 3885
match dst port range 3896 3897
match dst port eq 3995
match dst port eq 4031
match dst port eq 5007
match dst port eq 7674
match dst port eq 9802
match dst port eq 12109
classifier PDMWorks
match dst port eq 30000
match dst port eq 40000
classifier PPTP
match dst port eq 1723
classifier PSOM-MTLS
match dst port eq 8057
classifier Pervasive-SQL
match dst port eq 1583
classifier PostgreSQL
match dst port eq 5432
classifier QMTP
match dst port eq 209
classifier Qnext
match dst port eq 44
match dst port eq 5555
classifier RTSP
match dst port eq 554
match dst port eq 8554
classifier Remote-Anything
match dst port range 3999 4000
classifier Rsync
match dst port eq 873
classifier SAP
match dst port range 3200 3204
match dst port range 3206 3219
match dst port range 3221 3224
match dst port range 3226 3259
match dst port range 3261 3263
match dst port range 3265 3267
match dst port range 3270 3282
match dst port range 3284 3305
match dst port range 3307 3351
match dst port range 3353 3388
match dst port range 3390 3399
match dst port range 3600 3658
match dst port range 3662 3699
classifier SSH
match dst port eq 22
classifier Siebel
match dst port range 2320 2321
match dst port eq 8448
classifier SoulSeek
match dst port eq 2234
match dst port eq 5534
classifier TACACS
match dst port eq 49
classifier TFTP
match dst port eq 69
classifier TFTPS
match dst port eq 3713
classifier Telnet
match dst port eq 23
match dst port eq 107
classifier Telnets
match dst port eq 992
classifier UniSQL
match dst port range 1978 1979
classifier VNC
match dst port range 5800 5809
match dst port range 5900 5909
classifier Veritas-BackupExec
match dst port eq 1125
match dst port eq 3527
match dst port range 6101 6102
match dst port eq 6106
classifier Veritas-NetBackup
match dst port range 13720 13721
match dst port eq 13782
match dst port eq 13785
classifier Vmware-VMConsole
match dst port eq 902
classifier VoIP-Control
match dst port range 1718 1719
match dst port range 11000 11999
classifier VocalTec
match dst port eq 1490
match dst port eq 6670
match dst port eq 22555
match dst port eq 25793
classifier WASTE
match dst port eq 1337
classifier WBEM
match dst port range 5987 5990
classifier WINS
match dst port eq 1512
classifier WinMX
match dst port eq 6699
classifier Yahoo-Messenger
match dst port range 5000 5001
match dst port eq 5050
match dst port eq 5100
classifier afpovertcp
match dst port eq 548
classifier afs3
match dst port range 7000 7009
classifier apple-sasl
match dst port eq 3659
classifier auth
match dst port eq 113
classifier backup-express
match dst port eq 6123
classifier ccmail
match dst port eq 3264
classifier cisco-q931-backhaul
match dst port eq 2428
classifier cisco-sccp
match dst port range 2000 2002
classifier citrixadmin
match dst port eq 2513
classifier citrixima
match dst port eq 2512
classifier citriximaclient
match dst port eq 2598
classifier cmd
match dst port eq 514
classifier connected
match dst port eq 16384
classifier corba-iiop-ssl
match dst port eq 684
classifier cuseeme
match dst port eq 7640
match dst port eq 7642
match dst port range 7648 7649
classifier cvspserver
match dst port eq 2401
classifier dmdocbroker
match dst port eq 1489
classifier eDonkey
match dst port range 4661 4662
classifier eTrust-policy-Compliance
match dst port eq 1267
classifier epmap
match dst port eq 135
classifier exec
match dst port eq 512
classifier ezMeeting
match dst port range 10101 10103
match dst port range 26260 26261
classifier flowmonitor
match dst port eq 7878
classifier ftp
match dst port eq 21
classifier ftps
match dst port eq 990
classifier ftps-data
match src port eq 20
classifier gds_db
match dst port eq 3050
classifier groupwise
match dst port eq 1677
match dst port eq 2800
match dst port eq 3800
match dst port range 7100 7101
match dst port range 7180 7181
match dst port eq 7205
match dst port eq 9850
classifier h323hostcall
match dst port eq 1720
classifier h323hostcallsc
match dst port eq 1300
classifier hp-pdl-datastr
match dst port eq 9100
classifier iFCP
match dst port eq 3420
classifier ica
match dst port eq 1494
classifier imap
match dst port eq 143
classifier imap3
match dst port eq 220
classifier imaps
match dst port eq 993
classifier intersys-cache
match dst port eq 1972
classifier ircs
match dst port eq 994
classifier ircu
match dst port range 6660 6665
match dst port range 6667 6669
match dst port eq 531
classifier iscsi
match dst port eq 3260
classifier isns
match dst port eq 3205
classifier iso-tsap
match dst port eq 102
classifier kerberos-adm
match dst port eq 749
classifier klogin
match dst port eq 543
classifier kpasswd
match dst port eq 464
classifier kshell
match dst port eq 544
classifier laplink
match dst port eq 1547
classifier ldaps
match dst port eq 636
classifier login
match dst port eq 513
classifier lotusnote
match dst port eq 1352
classifier mgcp-callagent
match dst port eq 2727
classifier mgcp-gateway
match dst port eq 2427
classifier ms-content-repl-srv
match dst port eq 507
match dst port eq 560
classifier ms-olap4
match dst port eq 2383
classifier ms-sql-m
match dst port eq 1434
classifier ms-sql-s
match dst port eq 1433
classifier ms-streaming
match dst port eq 1755
classifier ms-wbt-server
match dst port eq 3389
classifier msft-gc
match dst port eq 3268
classifier msft-gc-ssl
match dst port eq 3269
classifier msmq
match dst port eq 1801
match dst port eq 2101
match dst port eq 2103
match dst port eq 2105
classifier msnp
match dst port range 6891 6900
match dst port eq 1863
classifier nameserver
match dst port eq 42
classifier ncp
match dst port eq 524
classifier net-assistant
match dst port eq 3283
classifier netapp-snapmirror
match dst port range 10565 10569
classifier netbios
match dst port eq 137
classifier netrjs-3
match dst port eq 73
classifier netviewdm
match dst port range 729 731
classifier nntps
match dst port eq 563
classifier novadigm
match dst port range 3460 3461
match dst port eq 3464
classifier novell-zen
match dst port range 1761 1763
match dst port eq 2037
match dst port eq 2544
match dst port eq 8039
classifier objcall
match dst port eq 94
match dst port eq 627
match dst port range 1580 1581
match dst port eq 1965
classifier openmail
match dst port eq 5729
match dst port eq 5755
match dst port eq 5757
match dst port range 5766 5768
classifier orasrv
match dst port eq 1521
match dst port eq 1525
classifier pcanywheredata
match dst port range 5631 5632
match dst port eq 65301
classifier pcmail-srv
match dst port eq 158
classifier pcsync-http
match dst port eq 8444
classifier pcsync-https
match dst port eq 8443
classifier pop3
match dst port eq 110
classifier pop3s
match dst port eq 995
classifier print-srv
match dst port eq 170
classifier printer
match dst port eq 515
classifier proshare
match dst port range 5713 5717
classifier radmin-port
match dst port eq 4899
classifier rrac
match dst port eq 5678
classifier sametime
match dst port eq 1533
classifier sftp
match dst port eq 115
classifier sip
match dst port eq 5060
classifier sip-tls
match dst port eq 5061
classifier smtp
match dst port eq 25
classifier smtps
match dst port eq 465
classifier soap-http
match dst port eq 7627
classifier sql-net
match dst port eq 150
classifier sqlexec
match dst port range 9088 9089
classifier sqlserv
match dst port eq 118
classifier sqlsrv
match dst port eq 156
classifier ssc-agent
match dst port range 2847 2848
match dst port range 2967 2968
match dst port eq 38037
match dst port eq 38292
classifier sshell
match dst port eq 614
classifier ssql
match dst port eq 3352
classifier sunrpc
match dst port eq 111
classifier svrloc
match dst port eq 427
classifier sybase-sqlany
match dst port eq 1498
match dst port eq 2439
match dst port eq 2638
match dst port eq 3968
classifier talk
match dst port eq 517
classifier tell
match dst port eq 754
classifier timbuktu
match dst port eq 407
classifier timbuktu-srv
match dst port range 1417 1420
classifier x11
match dst port range 6000 6063
classifier xmpp-client
match dst port eq 5222
classifier xmpp-server
match dst port eq 5269
classifier xprint-server
match dst port eq 8100
map basic
name Instant-Messaging classifier AOL action pass-through
name Remote-Desktop classifier Altiris-CarbonCopy action pass-through
name Backup classifier Amanda action optimize DRE no compression none
name Instant-Messaging classifier Apple-iChat action pass-through
name File-Transfer classifier BFTP action optimize full
name Other classifier BGP action pass-through
name Systems-Management classifier BMC-Patrol action pass-through
name Other classifier Basic-TCP-services action pass-through
name P2P classifier BitTorrent action pass-through
name WAFS classifier CIFS action optimize full accelerate cifs
name Call-Management classifier Cisco-CallManager action pass-through
name Version-Management classifier Clearcase action optimize full
name Backup classifier CommVault action optimize DRE no compression none
name Remote-Desktop classifier ControlIT action optimize DRE no compressio
n none
name Name-Services classifier DNS action pass-through
name Remote-Desktop classifier Danware-NetOp action optimize DRE no compre
ssion none
name Replication classifier Double-Take action optimize full
name Replication classifier EMC-Celerra-Replicator action optimize full
name Storage classifier EMC-SRDFA-IP action optimize full
name Storage classifier FCIP action optimize DRE no compression LZ
name File-Transfer classifier FTPS action pass-through
name Content-Management classifier Filenet action optimize full
name P2P classifier Gnutella action pass-through
name P2P classifier Grouper action pass-through
name Systems-Management classifier HP-OpenView action pass-through
name Web classifier HTTP action optimize full accelerate http
name SSL classifier HTTPS action optimize DRE no compression none
name P2P classifier HotLine action pass-through
name SQL classifier IBM-DB2 action optimize full
name Backup classifier IBM-TSM action optimize full
name Printing classifier IPP action optimize full
name P2P classifier Kazaa action pass-through
name Authentication classifier Kerberos action pass-through
name VPN classifier L2TP action optimize DRE no compression none
name Systems-Management classifier LANDesk action optimize full
name Directory-Services classifier LDAP action optimize full
name P2P classifier Laplink-ShareDirect action pass-through
name Remote-Desktop classifier Laplink-surfup-HTTPS action optimize DRE no
compression none
name Backup classifier Legato-NetWorker action optimize DRE no compression
name Backup classifier Legato-RepliStor action optimize DRE no compression
name Streaming classifier Liquid-Audio action optimize full
name Email-and-Messaging classifier MDaemon action optimize full
name Enterprise-Applications classifier MS-GROOVE action optimize DRE no c
ompression none
name Conferencing classifier MS-NetMeeting action pass-through
name SQL classifier MySQL action optimize full
name File-System classifier NFS action optimize full accelerate nfs
name Email-and-Messaging classifier NNTP action optimize full
name Other classifier NTP action pass-through
name P2P classifier Napster action pass-through
name Systems-Management classifier NetIQ action pass-through
name Systems-Management classifier Netopia-netOctopus action pass-through
name VPN classifier OpenVPN action optimize DRE no compression none
name SQL classifier Oracle action optimize full
name Other classifier Other-Secure action pass-through
name CAD classifier PDMWorks action optimize full
name VPN classifier PPTP action optimize DRE no compression none
name Conferencing classifier PSOM-MTLS action pass-through
name SQL classifier Pervasive-SQL action optimize full
name SQL classifier PostgreSQL action optimize full
name Email-and-Messaging classifier QMTP action optimize full
name P2P classifier Qnext action pass-through
name Streaming classifier RTSP action optimize full accelerate video
name Remote-Desktop classifier Remote-Anything action optimize DRE no comp
ression none
name Replication classifier Rsync action optimize full
name Enterprise-Applications classifier SAP action optimize full
name SSH classifier SSH action optimize DRE no compression none
name Enterprise-Applications classifier Siebel action optimize full
name P2P classifier SoulSeek action pass-through
name Authentication classifier TACACS action pass-through
name File-Transfer classifier TFTP action optimize full
name File-Transfer classifier TFTPS action optimize DRE no compression non
name Console classifier Telnet action pass-through
name Console classifier Telnets action pass-through
name SQL classifier UniSQL action optimize full
name Remote-Desktop classifier VNC action optimize DRE no compression none
name Backup classifier Veritas-BackupExec action optimize DRE no compressi
on none
name Backup classifier Veritas-NetBackup action optimize DRE no compressio
n none
name Remote-Desktop classifier Vmware-VMConsole action optimize DRE no com
pression none
name Call-Management classifier VoIP-Control action pass-through
name Conferencing classifier VocalTec action pass-through
name P2P classifier WASTE action pass-through
name Systems-Management classifier WBEM action pass-through
name Name-Services classifier WINS action pass-through
name P2P classifier WinMX action pass-through
name Instant-Messaging classifier Yahoo-Messenger action pass-through
name File-System classifier afpovertcp action optimize full
name File-System classifier afs3 action optimize full
name Authentication classifier apple-sasl action pass-through
name Authentication classifier auth action pass-through
name Backup classifier backup-express action optimize DRE no compression n
name Email-and-Messaging classifier ccmail action optimize full
name Call-Management classifier cisco-q931-backhaul action pass-through
name Call-Management classifier cisco-sccp action pass-through
name Remote-Desktop classifier citrixadmin action optimize full
name Remote-Desktop classifier citrixima action optimize full
name Remote-Desktop classifier citriximaclient action optimize full
name Console classifier cmd action pass-through
name Backup classifier connected action optimize DRE no compression none
name Other classifier corba-iiop-ssl action pass-through
name Conferencing classifier cuseeme action pass-through
name Version-Management classifier cvspserver action optimize full
name Content-Management classifier dmdocbroker action optimize full
name P2P classifier eDonkey action pass-through
name Systems-Management classifier eTrust-policy-Compliance action optimiz
e DRE no compression none
name Other classifier epmap action optimize DRE no compression none accele
rate MS-port-mapper
name Console classifier exec action pass-through
name Conferencing classifier ezMeeting action pass-through
name Systems-Management classifier flowmonitor action optimize DRE no comp
ression LZ
name File-Transfer classifier ftp action pass-through
name File-Transfer classifier ftps action optimize DRE no compression none
name File-Transfer classifier ftps-data action optimize full
name SQL classifier gds_db action optimize full
name Email-and-Messaging classifier groupwise action optimize full
name Call-Management classifier h323hostcall action pass-through
name Call-Management classifier h323hostcallsc action pass-through
name Printing classifier hp-pdl-datastr action optimize full
name Storage classifier iFCP action optimize full
name Remote-Desktop classifier ica action optimize full
name Email-and-Messaging classifier imap action optimize full
name Email-and-Messaging classifier imap3 action optimize full
name Email-and-Messaging classifier imaps action optimize DRE no compressi
on none
name SQL classifier intersys-cache action optimize full
name Instant-Messaging classifier ircs action pass-through
name Storage classifier iscsi action optimize full
name Name-Services classifier isns action pass-through
name Email-and-Messaging classifier iso-tsap action optimize full
name Authentication classifier kerberos-adm action pass-through
name Authentication classifier klogin action pass-through
name Authentication classifier kpasswd action pass-through
name Authentication classifier kshell action pass-through
name Remote-Desktop classifier laplink action optimize full
name Directory-Services classifier ldaps action pass-through
name Console classifier login action pass-through
name Email-and-Messaging classifier lotusnote action optimize full
name Call-Management classifier mgcp-callagent action pass-through
name Call-Management classifier mgcp-gateway action pass-through
name Replication classifier ms-content-repl-srv action optimize DRE no com
pression none
name SQL classifier ms-olap4 action optimize DRE no compression none
name SQL classifier ms-sql-m action optimize full
name SQL classifier ms-sql-s action optimize full
name Streaming classifier ms-streaming action optimize full
name Remote-Desktop classifier ms-wbt-server action optimize DRE no compre
ssion none
name Directory-Services classifier msft-gc action optimize full
name Directory-Services classifier msft-gc-ssl action pass-through
name Other classifier msmq action optimize full
name Instant-Messaging classifier msnp action pass-through
name Name-Services classifier nameserver action pass-through
name File-System classifier ncp action optimize full
name Remote-Desktop classifier net-assistant action pass-through
name Replication classifier netapp-snapmirror action optimize full
name Name-Services classifier netbios action pass-through
name Remote-Desktop classifier netrjs-3 action optimize DRE no compression
name Systems-Management classifier netviewdm action pass-through
name Email-and-Messaging classifier nntps action optimize DRE no compressi
on none
name Systems-Management classifier novadigm action optimize full
name Systems-Management classifier novell-zen action optimize full
name Systems-Management classifier objcall action optimize full
name Email-and-Messaging classifier openmail action optimize full
name SQL classifier orasrv action optimize full
name Remote-Desktop classifier pcanywheredata action optimize DRE no compr
ession none
name Email-and-Messaging classifier pcmail-srv action optimize full
name Replication classifier pcsync-http action optimize full
name Replication classifier pcsync-https action optimize DRE no compressio
n none
name Email-and-Messaging classifier pop3 action optimize full
name Email-and-Messaging classifier pop3s action optimize DRE no compressi
on none
name Printing classifier print-srv action optimize full
name Printing classifier printer action optimize full
name Conferencing classifier proshare action pass-through
name Remote-Desktop classifier radmin-port action optimize DRE no compress
ion none
name Replication classifier rrac action optimize DRE no compression none
name Instant-Messaging classifier sametime action pass-through
name File-Transfer classifier sftp action optimize full
name Call-Management classifier sip action pass-through
name Call-Management classifier sip-tls action pass-through
name Email-and-Messaging classifier smtp action optimize full
name Email-and-Messaging classifier smtps action optimize DRE no compressi
on none
name Web classifier soap-http action optimize full
name SQL classifier sql-net action optimize full
name SQL classifier sqlexec action optimize full
name SQL classifier sqlserv action optimize full
name SQL classifier sqlsrv action optimize full
name Other classifier ssc-agent action optimize full
name Console classifier sshell action pass-through
name SQL classifier ssql action optimize full
name File-System classifier sunrpc action pass-through
name Name-Services classifier svrloc action pass-through
name SQL classifier sybase-sqlany action optimize full
name Authentication classifier tell action pass-through
name Remote-Desktop classifier timbuktu action optimize DRE no compression
name Remote-Desktop classifier timbuktu-srv action optimize DRE no compres
sion none
name Remote-Desktop classifier x11 action optimize DRE no compression none
name Instant-Messaging classifier xmpp-client action pass-through
name Instant-Messaging classifier xmpp-server action pass-through
name Printing classifier xprint-server action optimize full
name Instant-Messaging classifier ircu action pass-through
name Instant-Messaging classifier talk action pass-through
map adaptor EPM 1544f5e0-613c-11d1-93df-00c04fd7bd09
name Email-and-Messaging All action pass-through
map adaptor EPM ms-sql-rpc
name SQL All action optimize full
map adaptor EPM mapi
name Email-and-Messaging All action optimize full accelerate mapi
map adaptor EPM ms-ad-replication
name Replication All action optimize full
map adaptor EPM ms-frs
name Replication All action optimize full
map adaptor EPM f5cc5a18-4264-101a-8c59-08002b2f8426
name Email-and-Messaging All action pass-through
map other optimize full
central-manager address
cms enable
! End of WAAS configuration
05-16-2012 01:10 AM
see as per my understanding of the issue i will try to explain what might actually happened during outage.
See there are tow possibility of how WAE return the traffic (optimized or non optimized) back to network, its called egress method. first one which is default is IP forwarding where in WAE forward the traffic to its default gateway. Which in our case is Now you have not mentioned what is this device but i beleive its some SVI on switch. So all the redirected traffic from router gig0/1 interface, reach WAE. But wae when transmit back to network it transmit it to Now WAAS do not modify the packet headers (IP addresses). So will treat this as normal IP packet with original clinet source and original server destination and will transmit the packet back to WAN router. Wan router seeing this packet coming back from LAN interface will redirect back to WAE. This caused a loop.
the second forwarding method is GRE (egress-method negotiated-return intercept-metod wccp), where WAE will encapsulate the return packet in GRE tunnel and send to WCCP redirecting router. So with this there will be no loop and router will get this packet via tunnel interface rather LAN interface.
Hope u got my point above and possible reason what went wrong that day.
This all happen because of a switch configured as default gateway in WAE. so either you change the forwarding method or chaging the default gateway in WAE will resolve the same.
05-16-2012 01:58 AM
Yes, I understand your description, its alot clearer than some of the documentation I have been reading.
Just to clarify, I do have a SVI on a switch. That is the gateway for the vlan where all of my WAAS management interfaces are connected to (gig 0/1).
I noticed the default gateway issue. I did change this, so that the gateway was The problem is that this will then stop my access to the management IP address via Telnet. So the Gig 1/0 interface uses the gateway of I can still make changes from the CM to this end device, so I am assuming that they are still talking to each other. So I guess it doesn't matter???
So my options are either - change the gateway
Or I should use these settings under wccp
Should I also
set my primary interface to gig 2/0
As another option
Could I set the Redirect/Return method to WCCP L2 with Egress of IP forwarding and the gateway? As my devices are directly connected. To avoid the extra lookups of GRE?
05-16-2012 06:18 PM
primary interface is the interface which it uses to communicate to CM. i don't understand why there is break in communication between CM and WAE when you change the gateway on WAE, i saw you said their IP address are segment, so they are L2 neighbor.
regarding your second option, that is good option of changing redircet method to L2 and default IP forwarding, with gateway directly to redirecting router. A simple and widely deployed WAAS setup.
05-17-2012 12:25 AM
Thanks for your assistance with this, it is very much appreciated.
Your description of the fault as correct - I used find match “Routing Loop” syslog.txt. I could see routing loop errors for the entire time period where I had the intterface up
I will be using option two
Finally, I lost connectivity to the devices from a remote location (I didn't mention this). This was obviously due to the routing loop.
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