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Where to put the Content Engine Device

Kevin Melton
Level 2
Level 2

I am in the process of assisting in the design of a growing network at a Resort Hotel. I have basically to this point(over the last 2 years) built a Cisco switched Infrastructure with a 4006 at the Core. It has a L3 blade to route between VLAN's. The Network Edge at this point is simply two DSL routers (off brand).

We are in the process of talking to ISP's and other Hospitality Companies as we move toward providing High Speed Access to the 170 Guest Rooms.

In my mind we need the following:

1. Edge Router (2600XM or 3700)

2. Firewall

One of the hospitality companies is indicating that we also need a Content Engine so that we can cache local traffic and keep bandwidth requirments down. I believe we are going to have a T-1 connection or DSL 3MG connection at the Edge connecting to the Internet.

It is my idea that we can keep Hotel Room traffic separate from the Administrative traffic for the Hotel staff and Admin by using VLANs. But I am unsure where the content engine would go. I want to believe it needs to be behind the Firewall, but I also know that Cisco makes blades for the 2600/3600/3700 platforms that do Content Networking, and so I question if this is also a potential for the Edge router.

Can somebone please give me some sound advice as to what to do to properly serve my customer? I am a Cisco Channel Partner and want to get this correct in Planning and not be stuck at Implementation Time. I also dont want to be sold down the river to a wrong solution from some Hospitality Service company.

Thanks very much.


4 Replies 4

Gilles Dufour
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

you need to put the CE on the same side of the firewall as the router.

The reason is WCCP - see document

See note :

A Content Engine and a WCCP-enabled router cannot be separated by a firewall. The firewall handles only packet traffic toward the origin web server and does not handle packet traffic sent to the client by the Content Engine on behalf of the server.


Thanks for your help. I am still attempting to understand. I have made a simpistic Visio drawing. Am I setting this up correctly?? If not, perhaps you can explain to me where I am not correct.

Is there a way I can forward this drawing to you for inspection??

send it to and put Netpro in the subject so I can remember where it comes from.



Hello gdufour,

I too am in the planning stage of implementing a CE-560 and deciding where to position it.

We have a (2)Cat4506 as our backbone and a PIX 525 and then a 2507 on the way to the Internet.

I was considering placing the CE-560 on the same subnet as the 2507 router, (which is outside the firewall) and then permit access through the PIX ?

hopefully, this design will not degrade any response times by going through the PIX, as opposed to having the CE inside.

I appreciate any feedback.

