I am trying to retrieve the registration status of phones and CTI ports on CUCM using Python. To do this I am first running the CUCM AXL query listPhone to get a list of all phones I'm interested in. Then I pass this list to the SelectCmDeviceExt RISPORT70 query. This AXL response to listPhone includes CTI ports but the SelectCmDeviceExt does not return any status for CTI ports even if I set the model to 72 (CTI Port).
I know there is a SelectCtiItem call but this seems related to CTI applications/ Route Points rather than CTI ports.
Any ideas how I can get the CTI port status?
CmSelectionCriteria = {
'MaxReturnedDevices': '1000',
'DeviceClass': 'Any',
'Model': '72',
'Status': 'Any',
'NodeName': '',
'SelectBy': "Name",
'SelectItems': {
'item': CmDevice_group
'Protocol': 'Any',
'DownloadStatus': 'Any'