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Community Manager
Community Manager

Cisco Community—You rock!  banner_1MillionMember_400x333px.png

Hey Cisco Community, it’s time to celebrate YOU! This strong community just surpassed more than one million registered members who are learning together and sharing insights in eight languages.  

Your company relies on you to solve some incredibly perplexing challenges. They look to you for informed recommendations and decisions. Whatever the scenario, you’ve learned that the content and, most importantly, the people in Cisco Community are here for you just like you’re there for them—ready, willing and able to help. You ARE Cisco Community! 

 “ …[Cisco] community is the best investment [of my time] I have done in my life. The more I give my time, [the more] I am getting back.” 

 So how impactful is your participation? On average, more than three million people visit the community every quarter, viewing 15 million pages. These pages include more than thirty-five thousand discussions and replies where knowledge leaders like yourself share experiences and ideas. 

 “… questions on Cisco forums gives me the opportunity to investigate issues that I would not encounter otherwise.” 

 But Cisco Community isn’t really about page views and post volume. These are just guideposts, validating what we already know to be true: Cisco Community members are special, not only because they have an incredible wealth of knowledge, but they also care enough to take the time to share their expertise. If there is a member that has helped you within the community, take a moment to thank them by @mentioning them in the comments. 

 “This was a really good and helpful page that directed me to a network resolution rather quickly.”  

There are so many stories out there of those who have received tremendous value through Cisco Community. Check out some stories here:

One million Cisco Community members and growing! Wow, it’s truly time to celebrate. Join us for more fun, like the scavenger hunt starting September 27th. Learn more here!

Stay tuned to hear more—the celebration has just begun! 

Denise Brittin

Manager, Global Cisco Communities

Getting Started

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