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Funny user trouble reports

Rob Huffman
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Hello all,

I don't know why, but the trouble report I got yesterday just struck

me as being pretty humorous and I thought others might have some

similar user reporting that might brighten our day

Being a Voice guy I thought this was pretty sweet!

Good morning Rob,

I've received a complaint from xxxx xxxxxx that when  he picks up his phone's receiver, sometimes the call isn't
picked up. Maybe  the little "hanger upper" thingy is sticking ... not sure.

Anyway you can  swing by at some point and check it out?

Much  appreciated,

Please add some more here that struck your funny bone the same way this did mine



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78 Replies 78

LMAO!  (+5) Collin!

I just had the, single, stupidest question thrown at me I've *ever* heard.

"Hey, my Excel is running slow, and so is Word, do we have problems with the Internet at the moment which could be causing it?"

"Hey, my Excel is running slow, and so is Word, do we have problems with the Internet at the moment which could be causing it?"

Hey Darren,

What menta1 institution are you working for again?

Based on the question I would say Darren works for the government.

burleyman wrote:

Based on the question I would say Darren works for the government.

No, if I worked for the government, I'd get paid less and be more frustrated than I am now!


leolaohoo wrote:

"Hey, my Excel is running slow, and so is Word, do we have problems with the Internet at the moment which could be causing it?"

Hey Darren,

What menta1 institution are you working for again?

You don't wanna know, Leo, trust me. I often say that 95% of the users at this organisation - on and off site - are as dumb as a box of rocks. But that's kinda insulting to the rocks!

But not where the CEO (who sits about 10 feet away from me) can hear me, since he's one of the box!

Collin Clark wrote:

My best one of late-

A ticket was assigned to Network Operations and below was the ticket details

"User complained that his mouse has stopped working again. I have replaced the mouse two times already and it stopped working again. Must be a network issue. Assigning the ticket to them."

The best part is my boss sent our group an email asking who took care of this ticket! I told him Bob Hope from Desktop Support took care of it for us (and he didn't catch on).

Brother, I feel your pain!

I've had everything from the air conditioning not working (because, of course, us nasty Network Administrators remotely connect to the air conditioning controller via them whizzy packety thingies and turn it off!) to Google being down blamed on my local network.

I have to physically restrain myself from closing trouble tickets with the word "PEBCAK" more than once a day now. Maybe it's time to look for another new job!

Well on the line of Network Team is responsible for everything. I got a ticket the other day sent to the network infrastructure group that said, I missed a very important meeting because the clock on the wall had stopped, batteries died, can we get this resolved as soon as possible. Well lets see where do I begin...don't use a meeting appointment in Outlook where your laptop uses NTP to sync its time to milliseconds...nooooo, lets use a battery operated clock that is just there for show and maybe cost $5. Oh lets not forget the help-desk that sent it sits right under that clock and keeps batteries on hand for other things and just needed to stand up and change the batteries. So I went over made people move got the clock down and asked the person who sent the ticket over, who I made move, do you have a battery and they said sure here you go...still did not dawn on them....oh I could have done that. Oh have to run I just got an SNMP trap that the bathroom toilet paper is low..have to run.



Does that come out of your budget too? It does mine.

Thankfully No.... but hey that could change. I was going to show them the little clock in the lower right hand part of their monitor but then these types of calls would stop padding our call stats and we don't want that.

Hey Mike (C-O-C-G)

Very funny story my friend Hahahahahahahahahahahaha! +5

Users ......."you can't live with them and you can't........them"

All of our new buildings have new "Wireless" clocks so now the Network group is

responsible for clocks to boot. Big fun!



"Everything is broken" - Bob Dylan


That is so funny and I loved the SNMP trap for the low T.P.!  +5 for you....just for making me laugh out loud and then having to share with my other team members!

Thanks and Cheers!


Thanks and Cheers! Kimberly Please remember to rate helpful posts.


Just for kicks and whistles, can you sneak in to work when no one is around and adjust the clock ONE HOUR ahead?

burleyman wrote:

Well on the line of Network Team is responsible for everything. I got a ticket the other day sent to the network infrastructure group that said, I missed a very important meeting because the clock on the wall had stopped, batteries died, can we get this resolved as soon as possible. Well lets see where do I begin...don't use a meeting appointment in Outlook where your laptop uses NTP to sync its time to milliseconds...nooooo, lets use a battery operated clock that is just there for show and maybe cost $5. Oh lets not forget the help-desk that sent it sits right under that clock and keeps batteries on hand for other things and just needed to stand up and change the batteries. So I went over made people move got the clock down and asked the person who sent the ticket over, who I made move, do you have a battery and they said sure here you go...still did not dawn on them....oh I could have done that. Oh have to run I just got an SNMP trap that the bathroom toilet paper is low..have to run.


I actually refuse to do shit like that - and if they fire me for it, it'll be straight to an unfair dismissal court.

I'm not putting a Masters degree, 30+ years of networking (and computer) experience, and numerous certifications to work climbing a chair to change a battery, and I don't care what anyone thinks about it.

You gotta draw the line in the sand somewhere! Printer toner I'll change (under protest). Clock batteries? No Freakin' way, man! :-)