Hi All,
I have been trying to come up with a Velocity Template to backup Switch config to my TFTP/FTP server.
I created an Interactive template as such,
Copy start tftp://10.xxx.xx.xxx<IQ>Address or name of remote host [10.xxx.xxx.xxx]<R>y<IQ>Destination filename [switch-config]<R>y
I am at a loss why this template is failing to push. I am pushing this to a 9200-PBX switch with 48 ports. This seems to be simple but just not sure why it fails. This always fails on applying Advanced Template stage of the provisioning.
Is my template wrong ? I tried many variations of the responses and tried to match exactly what is returned by the switch. However, I keep getting error ,
"provisioning failed for the template .Message: Unable to push CLI ' copy run tftp://10.xxx.xx.xxx to device 10.xxx.xx.xxx using protocol ssh2
I would appreciate any help. This is DNA center running version