02:45 PM
- edited on
05:13 AM
We are pleased to announce the release of Cisco UCS PowerTool Suite version 2.4.1.
Cisco UCS PowerTool suite is a set of PowerShell modules for Cisco UCS Manager, Cisco IMC and Cisco UCS Central that helps in configuration and management of Cisco UCS domains and solutions.
Key Features in Release 2.4.1
Key Features in Release 2.3.1
Key Features in Release 2.2.1
Installer download (from cisco.com):
Module download (from Powershell Gallery):
Reference: Cisco UCS PowerTool Command Reference for Cisco UCS Manager
External customers - For any queries/feedback on PowerTool, contact Cisco TAC or ucs-powertool@cisco.com or add a discussion to the Cisco Developed Integrations sub-space on Cisco UCS Communities
We are also on Slack - slack requires registration, but the cisco-ucs-powertool channel on powershell team is open invitation to anyone to register here. Once you join the powershell slack team you can join cisco-ucs-powertool channel here
Internal (Cisco) customers and employees - Contact us at ucs-powertool@cisco.com for support questions and ask-ucs-tme@cisco.com or ask-ucs-pm@cisco.com for roadmap questions and feedback.
In the meantime, you can enable the GUI logs for UCS central using the following option
and then run ConvertTo-UcsCentralCmdlet which will generate the cmdlets for the operations you perform in GUI.
After the last couple of firmware updates, I get an error that the flexflash controller is running old firmware. A simple reset of the flash controller resolves the error. I'm trying to achieve the reset via UCSC; could you help find the right set of cmdlets to achieve that?
I've tried some combinations of cmdlets after the below but not having much luck. The noun I think I'm looking for is "UcsCentralStorageFlexFlashController" but there doesn't appear to be cmdlets associated with it? Get-ucscentralstoragecontroller seems to be only be related to the spinning disks.
Get-UcsCentralBlade -dn <PROFILE>.pndn | Get-UcsCentralComputeBoard |
I appreciate the help, thanks.
Hi Alex,
We will look into it and get back to you.
Hi Alex,
The MO that you are referring to was added in UCS Central 1.3.1. We do not have corresponding cmdlet in UCS Central release available on communities. We will support it in the upcoming version of UCS Central.
We do have some generic cmdlets which can be used.
Here is an example –
Get-UcsCentralChassis -Id 1 | Get-UcsCentralBlade -SlotId 1 | Get-UcsCentralComputeBoard | Get-UcsCentralMo -ClassId StorageFlexFlashController | Set-UcsCentralMo -PropertyMap @{Configu
redMode="mirror"; AdminSlotNumber="NA"; OperatingMode="mirror"; operationRequest="reset"}
Keep your questions/queries coming.
Thank you,
Thanks for the response Nitin.
The command ran successfully but did not clear the alert. The output of the command was:
WARNING: Attempt to set non-existent property 'operationRequest' in class 'StorageFlexFlashController'.
WARNING: Attempt to set non-existent property 'OperatingMode' in class 'StorageFlexFlashController'.
WARNING: Attempt to set non-existent property 'ConfiguredMode' in class 'StorageFlexFlashController'.
WARNING: Attempt to set non-existent property 'AdminSlotNumber' in class 'StorageFlexFlashController'.
ControllerState : FFC_FAILED
FlexFlashType : FX3S
Id : 1
LocationDn :
Model : FX3S
OperQualifierReason :
OperState : degraded
Operability : operable
PciAddr :
PciSlot : N/A
Perf : unknown
PhysicalDriveCount : 0
Power : unknown
Presence : equipped
PrimarySlotNumber : 0
RaidSyncSupport : yes
ReadErrorThreshold : 0
Revision : 0
Serial : NA
Thermal : unknown
Type : SD
Vendor : Cypress
VirtualDriveCount : 0
Voltage : unknown
WriteErrorThreshold : 0
Dn : compute/sys-1010/chassis-1/blade-2/board/storage-flexflash-1
Rn : storage-flexflash-1
Status : modified
XtraProperty : {[AdminSlotNumber, NA], [ConfiguredMode, mirror], [FirmwareVersion, ], [HasError, error]...}
Alex, what is the version of UCS central that you are running?
Was the alert getting cleared when you perform the reset action from UCS central GUI?
I've never found a way to reset the flex flash controller through the UCSC GUI
Hi Raphael,
Currently there are no cmdlets In the PowerTool for getting the SEL and Sensor information.
Any updates coming to this to add features related to the 1.4 release of UCS Central?
Yes James. PowerTool 2.0 will be released by early March. There will be single powertool installer containing all 3 modules (IMC, UCSM and UCS Central) and UCS central module will have cmdlets for the features in the latest 1.4 release.
That's probably the best possible answer you could have given - thanks!
Congratulations on the 2.0.1 release, the Cisco.UCS.DesiredStateConfiguration module looks very promising.
A suggestion for future releases: Could you consider releasing the Cisco UCS PowerTool Suite on the PowerShell Gallery? That would make it more convenient for users to install and update the modules.
# First time install
Install-Module -Name CiscoUcsPS
# Update the module when it`s already installed
Update-Module -Name CiscoUcsPS
More information:
Thank you Jan Egil Ring for your suggestion. Keep them coming.
We will consider this in future PowerTool Suite releases.
Thank you,
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