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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

End of Support Notice: Support for the Flex-based Plugin for VMware vSphere has been discontinued.  The HTML based Plugin is recommended as a replacement.


Previous Release Information:


Cisco UCS Manager Plugin is an extension for the vSphere Web Client. It enables virtualization administrators to view, manage and monitor various aspects of Cisco UCS physical infrastructure. The result is a single pane of glass for Virtual Center users to get both physical and virtual infrastructure information for a given hypervisor.


New Features in UCS Manager Plugin 2.0(3):

  • Defect fixes


Supported vSphere Web Client Releases:

  • vSphere Web Client 5.5
  • vSphere Web Client 6.0
  • vSphere Web Client 6.5


Refer to release notes and user guide for more details.

Community Member

Hello Phillip,

It's a generic error and cannot interpret much with just that. I believe you are dealing with 2.0.1 plugin and have followed and read the user guide and release notes for the same. The plugin has a TAC support , you can raise an SR. Or you can make the log file available to us for now.

The registration log file will be available at %temp%\VcPlugin on the system where the registration tool is run. Where %temp% is value of the environment variable “temp”.

e.g “C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\VcPlugin”.

Level 1
Level 1

I was able to successfully register the plugin using https however, I cannot see the plugin in the web client. If I check the vSphere client, I see it under Manage Plugins. I'm running VCSA 6.0 U3b with a external PSC. I checked the vsphere client virgo log and I have this error:

[ /com/cisco/ucs/vcplugin/service/VcPluginPolicyDefault.xml (No such file or directory)]

[2017-04-19T16:52:57.912-05:00] [INFO ] region-dm-2               Destroying singletons in defining beans [GetBladeServiceImpl,UcsRegistrationServiceImpl,GetKvmUrlServiceImpl,PersistorImpl,ServerManageServiceImpl,GetFirmwareServiceImpl,GetNetworkComponentServiceImpl,UcsSummaryDataProviderServiceImpl,UcsFaultsServiceImpl,UcsExceptionTranslatorServiceImpl,ObjectNavigatorVSphereDataAdapterImpl,UcsCommonServiceImpl,LsServerComponentServiceImpl,XMLPersistorImpl,PluginPolicyServiceImpl,UcsRegistrationService,GetBladeService,GetKvmUrlService,ServerManageService,GetFirmwareService,GetNetworkComponentService,UcsSummaryDataProviderService,UcsFaultsService,dataServiceExtensionRegistry,ExceptionService,dataService,uriRefTypeAdapter,vimObjectReferenceService,ObjectNavigatorVSphereDataAdapter,UcsCommonService,LsServerComponentService,userSessionService,PluginPolicyService]; root of factory hierarchy
[2017-04-19T16:52:57.912-05:00] [INFO ] region-dm-2          cleanup call for
[2017-04-19T16:52:57.913-05:00] [INFO ] region-dm-2               c.vmware.vsphere.client.usersession.impl.UserSessionServiceImpl   getUserSession called on a missing session.
[2017-04-19T16:52:57.913-05:00] [INFO ] region-dm-2               c.vmware.vsphere.client.usersession.impl.UserSessionServiceImpl   getUserSession called on a missing session.
[2017-04-19T16:52:57.914-05:00] [INFO ] region-dm-2               .a.d.i.BlueprintEventPostingOsgiBundleApplicationContextListener  Sending event to topic 'org/osgi/service/blueprint/container/FAILURE' with properties '{bundle.version=2.0.1, [385],, exception=org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'PluginPolicyServiceImpl' defined in URL [bundleentry://385.fwk733244429/META-INF/spring/bundle-context.xml]: Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is java.lang.NullPointerException, type=5, timestamp=1492638777914,}'
[2017-04-19T16:52:57.919-05:00] [ERROR] region-dm-2               org.eclipse.virgo.medic.eventlog.default                     AG0000E Application context creation failure for bundle '' version '2.0.1'. org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'PluginPolicyServiceImpl' defined in URL [bundleentry://385.fwk733244429/META-INF/spring/bundle-context.xml]: Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is java.lang.NullPointerException


I have no idea what else to check for or do. Any thoughts?

Community Member

Hello Chestin,

We have seen this issue with one of our customer who is also on 6.0 u3. Its one of unique cases since nothing has been changed in plugin w.r.t to the piece of module that is dumping out the filenotfound error. Could you please confirm the below..

1. Are you using Cisco UCS manager plugin for the first time?

2. If Not, Were you using a previous version of the plugin say 1.2.5 on this vCenter before?

3. If Not, Did you upgrade the vCenter to 6.0 u3 recently and upgraded our plugin as well?

4. Is the vCenter installed with an external PSC?

All these are to nail down the problem to a specific version of the vCenter. So a bit of history on your plugin usage would help. We are trying to reproduce this in our lab but so far are not successful.

5. If possible from your end can you try installing the previous version of the plugin.viz. 1.2.5. For this you have to unregister 2.0.1, restart the web client service and register 1.2.5. In case you have done this, please ignore.

6. Can you paste the output of this command here after running the same on the vCenter server shell.

    Go to / (cd /) and execute "find . -name VcPluginPolicyDefault.xml"



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1. Yes this is my first time using it

2. No

3. No

4. Yes. We have two VCSA appliances in linked mode pointing to a external PSC. I only tried to install the plugin on one vCenter however.

5. I can try to install the previous version as I have not tried this.

Community Member

Can you please get the result of point 6 as well.

6. Can you paste the output of this command here after running the same on the vCenter server shell.

    Go to / (cd /) and execute "find . -name VcPluginPolicyDefault.xml"

And then please try to address point 5 and let us know if you are able to use plugin 1.2.5.

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This is the output:

vca02:/ # find -name VcPluginPolicyDefault.xml


find: `./var/lib/ntp/proc/11058': No such file or directory

find: `./var/lib/ntp/proc/11059': No such file or directory

Level 1
Level 1

Got this also when ran with a ".":

vca02:/ # find . -name VcPluginPolicyDefault.xml


find: `./proc/29747': No such file or directory

find: `./proc/29748': No such file or directory

Community Member

Thank you chestin. This is as expected and was to confirm if file is not there. But that is not the case and the analysis should continue. I have initiated a discussion with VMware but as of now no breakthroughs there as well. Meanwhile you can try 1.2.5 plugin. For this please

1. Unregister the 2.0.1 plugin

2. Restart web client services using the commands

    service-control --stop vsphere-client

    service-control --start vsphere-client

3. Register the 1.2.5 plugin

Level 1
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I tried the 1.2.5 plugin and it still doesn’t work either. I guess I’ll just have to wait for an official fix with Cisco and VMware

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Level 1


At the moment I'm implementing the plugin at a Vmware 6.5 environment with a VCSA vCenter setup. When deploying the plugin 2.0(3) the registration tool succeeds. However, after restarting the VCSA services the plugin isn't shown inside vCenter. However, when I look at https://vcenter/mob it shows that the plugin is deployed.

It looks like that the installation of the plugin isn't going correctly. A different environment contains also the plugin and this one is working normally. I also get a reply back when executing the command (at the working environment):

find . -name VcPluginPolicyDefault.xml. The not working one isn't showing this file.

Does someone knows how I can show the plugin?


Level 1
Level 1

The plugin isn't doing a check during the deployment towards the vCenter server. I got a successful deployment, but at the end the plugin wasn't copied to the vCenter server because of a firewall.

Level 1
Level 1

Hi Team -


I've registered the UCS vcenter plugin and everything seems fine. After restarting the web client service I also see the event logs that shows the process was successful. But in the web client I can not see UCS Plugin icon.


I see the plugin available in the mobi page of vcenter. 





Hi All 

Is there a version out yet that supports 6.7 ..?




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