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Removed DHCP server from Network Settings but IP SLAs remain on border nodes - DNA-C

We recently rebuilt our SD Access lab and I re-imaged the DNA-C with the .iso image.  In the configuration for the Network Settings in Design an incorrect DHCP server was added.  The fabric was provisioned and the IP SLAs were automatically added on the border nodes for all the DHCP servers.  For each VN that was enabled a Health issue occurs saying lost connectivity to the DHCP server.  We have since deleted the incorrect DHCP servers, however the IP SLAs remain.

I am reluctant to remove these manually as I would have thought DNA-C should be doing this as part of its automation?


I have removed the VNs from the fabric and re-added them, however these IP SLAs remain.

6 Replies 6

Level 7
Level 7

I have experienced the same on when changing the DNS server. I think the only solution is to change the SLA manually. Let us know how it goes.

This was also only one of the border nodes the SLA did not get changed on. The reste of the Fabric nodes was changed.

There are a bunch of bugs on something similar.

Take a look at these bug IDs(The last one might have a workaround):




CSCvy10242 isn't publicly viewable - however a google search shows the details - yes sounds similar.

I was tempted to manually remove them but won't that upset DNA-C? I'm guessing it knows which IP SLAs are monitoring which end points so won't removing them break some logic in DNA-C?

As far as I can see from the workarounds there are no other option than to change it by hand. I don't think the DNAC will care, but save the IP SLA configuration just in case.