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Simulation/Extract configuration changes not saving config changes to the design view.

Wes Smith
Level 1
Level 1

Two problems with 'extract configuration changes' 

1) Simulation/Extract configurations fails on one node with message...   (See end for the console log) 

Extract configurations for simulation My_Topologies@INETBase1-AeQ0jo encountered an unexpected exception.

Partial Content



2) The console says the other nodes are saved.  However, the config changes made during simulation are not saved.   
I have to manually copy the config to notepad and then paste into the config 


How can I determine more info on the 'failed' save?

How can I determine why the other configs are not saved even though the console/system says they are. 

Thanks in advance 


Here is the console log

(ERROR) [Oct/30/2014 00:50:15] Download of startup-updated config failed for node "wkr17".
(INFO) [Oct/30/2014 00:50:21] Downloaded startup-updated config from node "Wcore".
(INFO) [Oct/30/2014 00:50:21] Downloaded startup-updated config from node "TCore".
(INFO) [Oct/30/2014 00:50:21] Downloaded startup-updated config from node "TAA7".
(INFO) [Oct/30/2014 00:50:24] Downloaded startup-updated config from node "tar17".
(INFO) [Oct/30/2014 00:50:37] Downloaded startup-updated config from node "ISP1".
(INFO) [Oct/30/2014 00:50:40] Downloaded startup-updated config from node "WK-AA7".
(INFO) [Oct/30/2014 00:50:46] Downloaded startup-updated config from node "ISP2".
(WARNING) [Oct/30/2014 00:50:46] Extraction of some configurations failed.
(INFO) [Oct/30/2014 00:50:46] Done extracting configurations.




9 Replies 9

Level 1
Level 1

Hello, thanks for posting.

I think extraction failed on one node (wkr17).

Can you check whether any telnet session is open on a virtual routers while Extracting configuration. also For configuration whether you are using AutoNetKit or manual ? if you are configuring manually please keep password as default (cisco) and try for extraction.

passwords were cisco.

I eventually started ripping out and re-adding pieces of config until it worked.

Better logs would be very helpful.   It would be good to know exactly why the extract failed.


Could you please open a TAC case for this issue.

Did this get resolved as I am suffering the same issue.

There is supposedly a patch from TAC that will fix this.

There was also supposed to be an updated release by now.


We never installed the patch.  

The Cisco CML product performs so poorly we have stopped using it and will not be renewing.

GNS3 is so much better for our needs. (Fast, Mult-vendor, large and active community )


Hi Wes,


thanks for the quick response.


I started playing with passwords and discovered this may work for you as I have now successfully extracted a couple of times.


no enable password

enable secret cisco

username user1 priv 8 secret cisco


Try that and let me know how it goes.



Hi Wes,


thanks for the quick response.


I started playing with passwords and discovered this may work for you as I have now successfully extracted a couple of times.


no enable password

enable secret cisco

username user1 priv 8 secret cisco


Try that and let me know how it goes.

Remember no open telnet sessions..


I have created topologies just to test the extraction process and have been (thoroughly) documenting the behavior.

It appears the extraction is done through the node console port like the old Xmodem sz and rz commands (I'm dating myself here).  Depending on the node type (IOS), one must have previously opened a telnet session to the console port and logged in (cisco, cisco).  It seems CSR1000V doesn't need the initial login.

It doesn't seem to matter if the console telnet session is left open as the extraction process will disconnect it first.  Once complete, the same console window can be reused by hitting a few carriage returns.

Note, if you have connected to a console port and then connected through to a second node (via telnet or ssh), the extraction will pull the config from the second device! (as it no longer sees the local device).  It will then save the second device config into the named config of the first one.  This is repeatable.

Now knowing all this, I can reliably extract all configs from my 24 node topology.

A word of warning: Never make (and save) topology changes with a running simulation.  this confuses the program when it tries to save the configs.  It sees the topology file has been changed.  It will ask to keep or overwrite the file.  You can keep the topology changes or the configs, but not both.

Level 1
Level 1

Try setting your vtp domain to

vtp domain virl.lab

 If all else fails, update VIRL through UWM and reboot the VM.