Wes Smith
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Member since ‎06-17-2013

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On NX 93240-FX2 devices that use MACSEC on the  40/100 QSFP ports What does SPAN capture for MACSEC secured ports?   Does it capture the clear-text data or the encrypted stream ?I have not been able to find any reference.  Thanks in advance 
HW GRE support for the 4500-x was added in IOS-XE 3.07.The release notes are pretty sparse.  http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/switches/lan/catalyst4500/release/note/ol-37xe-4500x.html#pgfId-2633388 Does anyone have first hand experience using thi...
HelloI'm updating crypto for all our vpn routers.  I'm picking the strongest algorithms as documented in the NextGen Encryption Guidehttp://www.cisco.com/web/about/security/intelligence/nextgen_crypto.htmlI would like to use Elliptical curve vs RSA w...
Are there any special tricks to get IGMP running on an 891?I've done some packet captures and the workstations are sending IGMP reports for their interested streams.However the router never adds it to the IGMP group list.IGMP is enabled on the interf...
HelloWe are looking for a low lag/delay solution to stream 'town hall' live events to remote users.One of the top requirements is running a Q&A session.   Our media group want people to be able call in and ask questions.This means we must keep transc...
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Member Since ‎06-17-2013 07:52 AM
Date Last Visited ‎11-09-2020 05:53 PM
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Total Helpful Votes Received 15
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