hello wonderful people, here is my situation.
i have 93180 and its interface 1/25 is connected to cisco asa firewall inside interface. my goal is to capture SPAN all the traffic both RX and TX to destination port 1/23 which is connected to Artic Wolf server (packet sniffer). seems like SPAN is working but aritc wolf is only seeing TX traffic not RX traffic, please help me on what i am doing wrong here:
interface Ethernet1/23
switchport monitor
speed 10000
duplex **ll
no shutdown
monitor session 1
source interface Ethernet1/25 both
source vlan 500 both
destination interface Ethernet1/23
no shut
interface Ethernet1/25
description ASA1-Active-inside-Gi1/2
switchport access vlan 500
spanning-tree port type edge
no shutdown
interface Vlan500
no shutdown
no ip redirects
ip **bleep**
no ipv6 redirects
ip router eigrp 65000
ip pim sparse-mode
hsrp version 2
hsrp 500
preempt delay minimum 60
priority 110