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Level 1
Level 1
I know I can configure intercom on an 8800 series phone to "whisper" to the call recipient and in order to have a two way conversation, the recipient will need to press a button on their phone to allow the two way conversation. Is it possible to program the system so that the recipient will not have to press any key? Suppose I'm a chicken manure farmer and I'm 20 feet from my 8841 wall phone and I'm knee deep in Road Island Red Chicken manure. Then my secretary calls me via intercom and says "what do you know Joe?" over the speaker. I don't want to sludge and slide thru 20' of manure while the chickens a pecking at my legs just so I can press a button to tell my secretary that I having a great day. I want to be able to speak across the room to my secretary without moving an inch toward the phone. Is this not doable?
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