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Inaccurate XML API Documentation

Level 1
Level 1

Good afternoon,

I find that I'm frequently running into inaccurate documentation when trying to create proper XML requests. Is this the best and most accurate resource?

For instance, I'm currently trying to create a proper XML request for "lstrecordaccessDetailHistory as seen here, but finding that the examples are not complete. One of the elements is named "recondid" which I'm guessing should actually be "recordid". Both recondid and recordid exist though when compiling classes based off of the API Schema (10.0.0 SP4) so I'm unsure.

I'm currently trying the following request using a recordingID I know is valid:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>




















       <serv:bodyContent xsi:type="history:lstrecordaccessDetailHistory">









Please let me know if I am using the most accurate documentation at this time.

5 Replies 5

Level 5
Level 5

You are using the most accurate documentation, sorry but it is out of date and may contain errors.

Thanks. Would you be able to confirm for me what the appropriate XML request is for either "lstrecordaccessDetailHistory" or "lstrecordaccessHistory"? I have tried multiple variations of of both and all are failing with no record(s) found. I know the records exist since I'm already pulling a list of everything on my WebEx site.

For additional clarification, I'm trying to pull the view count and download count of the recorded meetings of our users. The two request types I mentioned look to be the correct choices, but maybe they are only for a specific section (Support Center, Training Center, etc.)

Greetings, Phillip! I just want to rule out one problem that a lot of people run into when using these two commands: the security level of the account being used to submit this requests. Per the documentation:

Note: Regular hosts can only retrieve the access information of their own recorded sessions, but site administrators can retrieve the access information of all the recorded sessions on their sites.

Please check the account you are using via the Web UI and ensure that it has either Site Admin access level. If it doesn't, try either giving that account Site Admin access, or run the XML API request using a different account that does have Site Admin access.

Hey Michael. Thanks for the response. I have, however, confirmed that it is a Site Admin account as I am using it for other site wide API calls. I did see the following text related to "LstrecordaccessHistory" that I thought was meaningful:

Provides the access details for a previously recorded training session

If I'm understanding this correctly, the LstrecordaccessHistory can only be used to query Training Center recordings. If so, then I don't know if there is an API that will allow me to look at view and download counts for individual user recorded meetings from the Meeting Center.

Hello again! This seems to be correct, but can you try running the below request, which should give a list of all recordings available:










Once you have a list from there, run GetRecordingInfo on one of the returned values from the above request:


        <bodyContent xsi:type="java:com.webex.service.binding.ep.GetRecordingInfo">




And make sure that this returns information for the recordingID.