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CWMS 2.6 - Meeting Recording Does Not Display for Host

Hi Team,

I have the issue like in troubleshooting guide :

"Meeting Recording Does Not Display for Host"

First, i don't understand "chmon -R 777 mount point directory" ; chmon is unknow command for me .....

I do "chmod -R 777 mount point directory" and it's ok after delete and re-add nfs server (in maintenance mode).

But, i see that the recording that it can be display in web page, are store in "2016>01>successrec" folder to the nfs server. And the recording meeting that in "2016>01>10648" (for exemple) is not display on the web page.

I make lot of test, change nfs server, apply workaround .... nothing change.

I open a case and i work with Nelsen from Dejan team.

But if you have a idea or something that i must test .

Thanks for your help


10 Replies 10

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hi Philippe, 

'chmon' is definitely a typo in the document and I will file a documentation defect for that. 

As for the issue you are seeing, Nelson should be able to help you with it for sure. Most of the times, the issue is with interoperability between CWMS and NFS server (some permission or access issue). I can't tell you what is causing your issue, but would like to explain how things are working when it comes to recording:

1. When you record a meeting, files are first being stored on NFS storage in the following directory:

YEAR > MONTH > UNIQUE CONF ID (e.g. 2016/1/10648)

This is where raw recording files are stored.

2. Once meeting ends and recording is completed, the system starts the consolidation process where it takes all the recording files, consolidates them and moves them to the following directory:

1/Unique User ID - last three digits/Unique User ID/Unique Conf ID last three digits/Unique Conf ID/RecordingData 

Example: Unique user ID (1736) (you can get it by exporting user profiles from CWMS Dashboard), Unique conf ID 10648 (You can get it by exporting custom reports and looking into meetings report)


It also displays the files in 2016/1/successrec directory for some time.

3. During the consolidation process, the link to the recording is created, populated in the database, and posted on the hosts My Recordings page

4. At this time, you can stream the recording and download it

5. When you click on Download recording for the first time, the system uses consolidated files in RecordingData folder, and creates a new directory called RecordingPac where it stores the ARF file that the users can download and play locally on their machines.

So, in case that recording seems to be working during the meeting, but after the fact don't show up on My Recordings page, means there is something that is preventing consolidation process to complete. Most of the time we've seen that there is something on the NFS server that is not allowing CWMS VMs to create folders and copy files. Still, TAC engineer (Nelson) will help you out in finding out what it might be in your case.

I hope you will find this helpful.

Kind regards,


Hi Dejan,

Thank for the detailled explanation!

Nelson asked me to change nfs mount :

/svgcwms2 -maproot=root  -network


/svgcwms2 -all_squash -network

But nothing change...

I test to change NFS server by SFTP server with root acces in CWMS and all is good. 

Is it a better way to use SFTP ? for me yes...


Hi Philippe,

SFTP is more secure option and actually preferred option by many customers. If you were able to deploy SFTP server that successfully integrates with CWMS and all the features are working properly, you can continue using it. 


Thanks Dejan,

I use SFTP and that's all.



I have the same issue, I can see in my NFS server that files are stored. However, when I log in to user-page (meeting creater no recording)
Do you mean if I add SFTP rather than NFS things will work?


Yes, the issue desappear with SFTP. I think the process of writing to backup server is more simple because there's just one user (the FTP user).


Could you please share with the link for root access in this case? is it:

in case the IP of my SFTP is

I added the SFTP server and I can see the files in the server, but not in the user page

Recordings - Cisco WebEx

You have no meeting recordings.

It's OK now :)

I think, I have to give the server couple of minuites to find the recording :)

Yes it's normal process