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Default Calendar Intergration Cisco jabber 9.7.0

Level 1
Level 1

Hi All

Thank you for taking the time to have a look into my question and hopefully having the chance to answer my question.

I am currently packaging the Cisco jabber 9.7.0 client to be deployed to out 1000+ PC environment. As the business is currently in the middle of a migration project to migrate from Lotus Notes to Outlook they have decided to leave calendar integration disabled until the transition is complete.

Unfortunately I am having problems deploying Cisco Jabber out with these settings. Unfortunately because the "JabberLocalConfig.xml" lives under the users application data this is not really a option when deploying the application as system from a SCCM2007 box.

From what I can find there is no "Default" Cisco Jabber config and it doesn’t look like controlling "Calendar integration" is option under the Server .xml file.



We will also have this issue when in 3 months’ time when we want to switch the whole organization from lotus to Outlook.


Can you provide any feedback that may help?



1 Reply 1

RAJAMANI Nallakaruppan
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hi Andrew,

Not sure if this is what you are looking for, Users have to disable Calendaring integration

Also if you don't need Calendaring , you need not set it up on the IM & P server and can do it once you have Outlook installed all over your environment