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Disable Call method display in TMS phonebook.

I'd like to somehow disable the bottom folder level in the TMS phonebook which displays the call methods for each system or Jabber account.

I'm using a single phonebook which has 3 sources. (Manual addresses, TMS managed endpoints and MOVI provisioning source)

Each system endpoint displays 4 call methods - H323 ID, H323 E164 alias, SIP URI and IP; and each MOVI account displays - at least to call methods - H323 ID and SIP URI, in most cases this SIP URI gets duplicated (I beleive if there is an associated device with that MOVI account).


As far as I know - since we use a VCSC - selecting a call method is not needed.

Is there a way to disable this bottom level of the folder structure, or select a default method so these aren't displayed?

The mutliple choices tend to confuse the user.

Thank you,

2 Replies 2

Wayne DeNardi
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

Your question would likely be better placed in the TelePresence section of the forums than in the Conferencing section you have posted in.  You may get more responses if you move your thread.

Depending on how many devices and users you have, you can use manual TMS phoebooks to restrict the options to a single contact method.

We have a number of phonebooks set up with manual sources here which we deploy to our different devices.  It becomes a bit of a management overhead to keep the phonebooks up to date if you have a lot of change in your environment, but if it's relatively static, then this is quite achievable.

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Patrick Sparkman
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

I'm going to presume you're using TMSPE for Jabber VIdeo (Movi) users.  Can you tell us what your TMSPE settings and provisioning Phone Book settings are?

  • Systems > Provisioning > Users
    • Video Address Pattern
    • Device Address Pattern
  • Phone Books > Manage Phone Book Sources > Provisioning Source
    • Advanced Settings > Import Provisioned Users

Sometimes, if you have the video address pattern configured in your TMSPE settings plus you're importing provisioned users into the phone book, you will get duplicate SIP entries.

If you're using FindMe or just want to use the video address pattern, then that will populate the provisioned phone book source automatically with both a H323 and SIP addresses, you'll want to disable the import function I noted above is using this. You should delete and recreate the provisioning phone book source when you disable the import function or else those users already imported will still be present  

If you're not using FindMe or the video address pattern, then you'll want to import users into the phone book as they sign into there Jabber Video account to populate the phone book source with their SIP address.  Sometimes people that don't use FindMe will still use video address pattern, and simply make both video and device address patterns match and be the same.

Here is a discussion, video-address-vs-device-address-dialing-tmspe-vcsc, that gives a high level of the two address patterns and how they could be used.