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Disk space problem on MeetingPlace Express

Josh Rountree
Level 1
Level 1

I get the email below daily. I'm thinking it's ok to cat /dev/null the cma.log file?

I also think I might be able to do the same thing to stdout.old?

Anything else I should try other than the instructions?


* Directory listing


[mpxadmin@meeting ConfSchd]$ ls -la

total 3036516

drwxrwxr-x    2 mpxadmin mpx          4096 Aug  2 13:27 .

drwxrwxr-x   17 root     mpx          4096 Nov  4  2009 ..

-rw-rw-r--    1 mpxadmin mpx             0 Nov  4  2009

-rw-rw-r--    1 mpxadmin mpx             0 Nov  4  2009

-rw-rw-r--    1 mpxadmin mpx             4 Dec 22  2012 confId

-rw-rw-rw-    1 mpxadmin mpx           391 Apr  5  2010 pegstats

-rw-rw-r--    1 mpxadmin mpx        255639 Aug  2 14:25 stderr

-rw-rw-r--    1 mpxadmin mpx       1152127 Dec 22  2012 stderr.old

-rw-rw-r--    1 mpxadmin mpx      516106727 Aug  2 16:50 stdout

-rw-rw-r--    1 mpxadmin mpx      2588797008 Dec 22  2012 stdout.old

-rw-rw-r--    1 mpxadmin mpx             0 Nov  4  2009

[mpxadmin@meeting ConfSchd]$




This is an automated message from the MeetingPlace Express system with

hostname [] to inform you that disk space is low.

Details on where the problem is and how to resolve it are indicated below.

Low space in partition /. Percent used = [90].

The following files might cause trouble. However, inspect each one to make sure.

Look specifically for large files with old timestamps. Also, note that some of

the files indicated might have been previously mentioned. In this case, use the

prior instructions to handle these files rather than the instructions below.

If you are uncertain, contact Cisco TAC for confirmation/advice.

For the files below, use the following procedure to empty these files rather than

   delete them outright.

         1. For each file to be emptied do:

             cat /dev/null > <filename>

         2. After all files that you wish to empty have been emptied, do:

             su   // Enter 'root' password.

             mpx_sys restart

-rw-rw-r--   1 mpxadmin mpx     283120801 Apr 11 02:00 /var/mp/ConfSchd/stdout

-rw-r-----   1 root     root     127007041 Dec 22 05:30 /var/spool/compaq/cma.log

In general, to free up disk space where it is uncertain exactly what files are in question,

   do the following:

1. In general, go to places like /root, /mpxadmin, /tmp and do "ls -la" to look

     for large files. If a file is large, old, and seems like some kind of log or

     error file, it could be a candidate for deletion.

2. Generally files of type log (*.log), stderr, stdout, or txt (*.txt) are the

     best candidates to look for. A good command to look for these types of

     files with size of 10,000,000 bytes or larger is:

       find / -name "<file type>" -exec ls -la {} ; | awk '{if( >=10000000) {print} }'

     For example, to look for all log files 10,000,000 bytes or larger on

       the entire system:

         find / -name "*.log" -exec ls -la {} ; | awk '{if($5 >= 10000000) {print} }'

3. If you have a specific problem partition that you are trying to reduce size

     for, do the following:

     1. Find out the directory name of the top of the partition from "df".

     2. "cd" to that location.

     3. Then do: du -x -b --max-depth=1

     4. Look for the directories that are really large.

     5. Then "cd" into the worst subdirectory (or subdirectories).

     6. Get a list of all large files from current directory location and lower:

           (This example assumes 10,000,000 bytes and a check for .log files.

               Note the starting location of '.' (current location) rather

               than '/' (entire disk) ).

           find . -name "*.log" -exec ls -la {} ; | awk '{if($5 >= 10000000) {print} }'

Complete output of the 'df' command:

Filesystem           1K-blocks     Used Available Use% Mounted on

/dev/sda1             6048320   5111204   629876 90% /

/dev/sda6             4032092   767336   3059932 21% /common

/dev/sda2             8064304   6492268   1162380 85% /db

/dev/sda9               256667     8416   234999   4% /grub

/dev/sda7           122154520   110696 115838720   1% /mpx-record

/dev/sda5             5036284   3577128   1203324 75% /opt

/dev/sda3             6048352   109032   5632080   2% /partB

none                   1026932     22624   1004308   3% /dev/shm

3 Replies 3

Rishabh Ghai
Level 1
Level 1


Hi Josh,

It seems that the root partition of the MeetingPlace Express server is almost full. I have attached a document for your reference which can be used to minimize the disk space issues.

Once the steps mentioned in the attached document are completed, run the command "df" to check the disk space.

If you do not see much improvement in the root partition, then in that case some other files might need to be removed from the server to increase the root partition space.

If any of the partitions reach upto 90% or above, then the server might behave unexpectedly.

Feel free to revert if you have face any issues or have any queries.




Hi, Rishabh,

Your advice to Josh actually saved my day as my opt and db files were running up to 100%.

I followed the instructions and deleted all files but only succeeded in reducing the db and opt files to 89 & 96% respectively. This I believe is still not safe.

I then ran the command below and discovered two big files but not sure if I should delete them.


[root@LDNMPE01 mpxadmin]# cd /opt/macromedia/breeze/

[root@LDNMPE01 breeze]# ls -l

total 19616

-rw-------    1 root     root     10004480 Jul 14  2012 jrunfix-backup-4-CSCsr74807.tar

-rw-------    1 root     root     10004480 Jul 14  2012 jrunfix-backup-4-CSCsr74807.tar.2_1_1_hotfix_18_CSCsr74807.bak

[root@LDNMPE01 breeze]#


Please advise if I should delete them and if there is any other location where I can get some files deleted so as to reduce the space to below 90%

Kind regards


Hello Joseph,

Hopefully this guide will help you clean up some diskspace for MeetingPlace Express:

