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Jabber 11.9/12.0 does not seem to honor UseANR config flag

Level 1
Level 1



I have recently stumbled over an odd problem while upgrading Jabber for Windows on some clients to version 11.9. (also tested with 12.0)

We use a meta directory server (C4B XPhone Directory Server) to combine several contact sources.  We are using jabber-config.xml for the directory configuration, disabled ANR with <UseANR>false</UseANR> and have configured a predictive search filter. With Jabber client versions up to 11.8.5 this did work without any issue. For Jabber version 11.9 I have changed the  config from EDI/BDI to CDI. With this configuration the contact lookups are working but I have recognized, that Jabber does not use predictive searching anymore but instead does reactivate ANR and ignores the UseANR command from the jabber-config.xml.


When doing a contact search I get this in the log file:


[csf.person.ldap] [csf::person::ldap::LdapBinder::bindWithMechanism] - LDAP bind successful
[csf.person] [csf::person::ldap::LdapConfiguration::updateServerType] - serverType = ActiveDirectory

[csf.person.ldap] [csf::person::ldap::LdapDirectoryImpl::searchOrUnbind] - Number of pending requests = 0, waiting to be sent = 2
[csf.person.ldap] [csf::person::ldap::LdapDirectoryImpl::SendQueriesTaskHandler::execute] -
[csf.person.ldap] [csf::person::ldap::LdapDirectoryImpl::processSendQueue] - Queue Size : 2
[csf.person.ldap] [csf::person::ldap::LdapSearcher::search] - searchScope = 2,  filter  = (&(objectCategory=*)(|(ANR=wag*))), baseDN=vdir=VDir


which seems to indicate that the client has falsely identified the LDAP directory as an AD server and has therefore reverted to ANR lookup.


Is there a way to disable the newer Jabber Clients ability to identify the LDAP directory server type ?


Thank you for your kind help.


best regards



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