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Jabber Location

Level 1
Level 1

Hello All.

Ok.. so we have 2 Jabber clusters both with 2 cups servers in each.

When you are assigned to a Cups server on Cluster1 Locations are not being displayed. If I move the user over to one of the Cups servers on  Cluster 2 all locational setting are displaying.

I have logged on to al 4 Cups server and all services are up and running. Can anyone assist with this issue?

Thank you in advance..  

4 Replies 4

Jaime Valencia
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Are all servers the same version? and using the same Jabber client version?



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Hi Jamie,

Thanks for you response. All 4 servers are the same version.

I tested this on one user who is on Jabber Client 11.1.1,  Presence User Assigned to Cluster 1 got no location. Assigned the same user to Cluster 2 and they can see location settings.

It may not sound like much of an issue but we work out of about 20 different offices so this option is a big deal for us.

Thank you.

OK, I actually thought you meant this happened when moving in the same subcluster.

First thing I'd check, is if location is actually enabled in cluster 1 in the jabber-config.xml, and if clients are actually getting the config file.



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First thing first... are you using BDI, EDI or UDS?

If you're using EDI or UDS, then unless you purposely disabled the Location feature through the jabber-config.xml file and uploaded the xml file to your TFTP server, then you should be Ok. By default, the following parameters are defined as;

Location_Enabled = True


Location_Mode = ENABLED

As far as I know, there's no way to advertise or bulk the same 20 locations for all users. The location settings are fully customizable (i.e. users can add/edit/delete locations) and they are considered unique to each user.

I agree with Jaime, please check your Cisco Unified Communications Manager TFTP servers and make sure the jabber-config.xml files exist, and they are accessible. You should be able to quickly view your jabber-config.xml by going to; http://<TFTP_Server>:6970/jabber-config.xml ; If you have two TFTP servers within the same cluster, then please check both jabber-config.xml files since they might be different.