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Level 1
Level 1

I have a sandbox account in your cisco cucm administrator.

I am not a customer. I am trying to find out one thing using your sandbox account to tell my client so he can use your system. It has a client requirement.


I have some questions for you.

I got a java code from your cisco. From where to get cucm address, bob_dn these are in cucm's account.

How to run the jtapi code.

When I am going to run the code it says Unable to create provider -- connect timed out.
How can this be resolved?

1 Reply 1

Level 1
Level 1

- In the context of JTAPI (Java Telephony API), the `CUCM_ADDRESS` refers to the IP address or hostname of your Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM) server.
- You'll need to configure this address in your JTAPI application to establish communication with CUCM.
- The specific configuration settings for JTAPI, including the CUCM address, can be found in the **JTAPI Preferences** within the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration interface¹.
- Make sure to set the correct IP address or hostname for your CUCM server in the JTAPI preferences.

2. Getting CUCM Address and Other Parameters:
- To obtain the CUCM address and other necessary parameters (such as `bob_dn`), you'll need access to your CUCM system.
- These details are typically provided by your CUCM administrator or can be retrieved from the CUCM configuration.
- Ensure that you have the necessary permissions and credentials to access CUCM.

3. Running the JTAPI Code:
- Once you have the required parameters (including the CUCM address), you can run your JTAPI code.
- The Java code you received from Cisco should include the necessary classes and methods for JTAPI communication.
- Here are the general steps to run the JTAPI code:
1.Install JTAPI Client:
- Ensure that the Cisco Unified JTAPI client is installed on the machine where you intend to run the code.
- You can download the JTAPI client packages (for Linux or Windows) from the Cisco Unified CM Administration interface¹.
2. Configure JTAPI Preferences:
- Set the appropriate values for `CUCM_ADDRESS`, `bob_dn`, and other required parameters in the JTAPI Preferences.
3. Initialize JTAPI Provider:
- Your code should create a JTAPI provider instance using the configured parameters.
- If you encounter a "connect timed out" error, it might be due to incorrect configuration or network issues.
4. Handle Exceptions:
- Catch any exceptions that occur during provider initialization or call setup.
- Verify that the credentials and network settings are correct.
5. Run Your JTAPI Applicatio:
- Execute your JTAPI application, which may involve making calls, monitoring devices, or handling events.
- Refer to the specific JTAPI documentation or sample code for details on how to use the API.

4. "Unable to create provider -- connect timed out" Error:
- This error indicates that the JTAPI client is unable to establish a connection to the CUCM server.
- Possible solutions:
- Check Network Connectivity:
- Ensure that the machine running the JTAPI code can reach the CUCM server over the network.
- Verify firewall settings, DNS resolution, and network routing.
- Correct Configuration:
- Double-check the `CUCM_ADDRESS` and other configuration parameters.
- Ensure that the CUCM server is up and running.
- Restart Services:
- Restart the JTAPI services or the entire application server.
- Check Permissions:
- Ensure that the user account used for JTAPI has the necessary permissions in CUCM.
- Debugging:
- Enable debugging logs in your JTAPI code to get more detailed information about the connection issue.

Remember that JTAPI development involves both programming skills and understanding of CUCM configuration. If you encounter further issues, consult the Cisco documentation or seek assistance from Cisco support or community forums¹²³. Good luck with your JTAPI project!