We recently implemented WebEx Meeting Server 2.0 and populated the users database via a with CUCM integration.
We have approx 1200 users in the system which have been synchronised and activated since March 2014.
However, today (13th May, 2014), for some unknown reason, many (if not all) users are receiving Activation emails?
I never enabled this email Activation email feature!
Under Directory Integration:
The only change that occurred today was that I enabled 2 users as Administrators in the system. They sit right next to me.
One didn't even touch the system and the other was only viewing the Users on the WebEx Admin site and selecting the various filters in the drop down box.
Additionally, a number of users received 2 x Activation emails?. I thought the system was designed to only ever send one per user.
We were supposed to go live with the system tomorrow, and this has caused a bit of concern about the stability of the system.
Has anyone run into this issue? Is there some other way users gets Activation emails that I am unaware of?