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WebEx Productivity Tools for Mac Outlook 2013

Level 1
Level 1

Hi.  I am wondering when the productivity tools will be supported with Mac Outlook 2013.  Thanks.

44 Replies 44

Hi Ke,

If you need any beta testers please let me know. Happy to be part of the development. Currently on Outlook for Mac 2015 BETA.


+1 on beta testing.   I'm desparate to get this functionality back... 

Is there a status?   Q1 has come and gone, and its been a month since the last update.

We *really* need to get these tools for the new Outlook.    

Any update on progress at all?

The year is going by quickly... can we get an update and a timeline?   

Is there a way to get this escalated?

Hello.. is anybody out there?

Level 1
Level 1

Another vote to push priority on updating WebEx Productivity Tools for Outlook 2015.

Level 1
Level 1

Can we get a "Quarterly" update on this?  (last one was in March)  We are 8 months into the GA of Outlook 2015 and still not Webex tools support from Cisco...

Hi Chris,

We are looking to support the next version of MAC Outlook. MSFT has not finalized a GA date for this, we have been in discussions with them. Our goal is to support it soon after GA, but this is not yet committed as we are dependent on the MSFT GA date.

Interesting.  Outlook 2015 for Mac has been in its final form for Mobile and Cloud users since last October.  You are waiting for the rest of Office to launch?  That is hardly an update.

Yup, waiting for GA is so 2009.    Excuses, IMHO.  This makes Cisco look bad.

$20 says it won't be out after GA either.  Takers?

Mark the date - July 9, 2015.   Microsoft has officially released Office 365 for the Mac:

We are now at GA, not preview.  

Productivity tools should be available soon then right?

Any update on this at all?  It seems like this has been dragging for a while?  No new date has been committed -- can we get one?  Please?


We are using the WebEx Cloud and could really use an updated Productivity tools that works with the new Outlook 2015/2016. Half of our company is on a Mac.

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

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