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Datacenter virtualization is the process of employing virtual hardware for designing, developing, and implementing the datacenters. It is often used as an umbrella term that entails different categories like application virtualization, server virtualization, and others. The major benefit of data center virtualization is that it eliminates the hardware-associated costs and breaks the silos and physical islands that are often associated with conventional in-house datacenters. Due to its cost and efficiency benefits more and more enterprises are now virtualizing their conventional data centers. Here are a few benefits offered by datacenter virtualization:


Lower cost of operations

 Almost everyone will agree that hardware is among the most cost-consuming asset in any IT ecosystem. Organizations can overcome this challenge by switching to data virtualization. With the help of data virtualization services and applications can be detached from the hardware devices. It not only brings down the costs significantly but also increases flexibility and durability of in-house devices while also freeing up the organizations from maintenance complexities.



Enhanced application performance

Datacenter virtualization also delivers other benefits in the form of enhancing the performance and delivery speed of applications.


Evolving enterprise and technical requirements necessitate workload relocation. Besides, various external factors like the network quality of service providers can directly affect the overall performance levels. Such factors are outside of the control of the enterprise IT department.  These factors complicate performance consistency management and create silos. The Datacenter virtualization empowers enterprise users to seamlessly adjust the datacenter configuration for eliminating performance caps and achieving required levels of competency.


Ensuring maximum uptime

 Site availability, denoted by uptime, is the prerequisite- the most basic requirement for any digital business. Downtime effectively stops global visitors to reach your site and thus it costs you a huge number of opportunities and may cause heavy revenue loss.


 Datacenter virtualization enables the IT department to maintain and upgrade servers without scheduling any downtime. It also saves the enterprises from server hardware failure- a very common reason behind the business disruption.



Saves devices from risks of overheating

 Overheating is another challenge of the physical servers which can cause failures, outages, and other hardware issues that directly affect your application/site performance and also cause data loss. Virtualized servers shrink your hardware dependency and with a lower number of hardware devices, the overall heat generation is reduced that saves your data and applications.


Improved business continuity

 Several unexpected factors like server failure, human errors, or natural disasters can cause heavy data loss which may bring enterprises to a halt. The challenge is to handle the aftermath efficiently. How quickly you rebound after a disaster determines how soon you will be able to restart your digital operations. Taking backups for different hardware servers is complex and time-consuming. With data center virtualization, the task becomes much easier and quicker- thanks to agile options like updated virtual machines snapshots.


 Virtualized data centers also free you up from struggling with the hardware issues like damaged components.


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