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Roman Isaiev
Level 1
Level 1

Hello reader !

I want to share my experience, how I solved my problem with Agent Greeting.

Popular feature, but very little troubleshooting information.

It all started as a standard greeting did not work

We were sure that everything was in order with the script, because we are not implementing it for the first time.

I will tell you about a few cases that I personally encountered.


One of the problems was with RTP stream. Ports were closed  on firewall. There was no interaction between VVB and Phone. Network traffic analysis helped me find the problem. I collected packet capture on my VVB, and saw that there is no RTP stream to the phone. To analyze network traffic, I always use  Wireshark.

Commands that will be useful for analyzing the problem from the side of the VVB. I collect logs using CLI.

utils network capture-rotate file <name> size ALL sizePerFile 100 maxFiles 25 - enable network capture

file get activelog platform/cli/*.cap* recurs compress reltime hours 1 - collect capture ( 'hours 1'-means collect logs for the last hour, you can change the value )

file delete activelog platform/cli/*.cap* - delete capture

file get activelog /uccx/log/MIVR/* recurs compress reltime hours 1 - collect Engine


An example of how it should b:

normal AG.png

How was it for me:

bed AG.png

After unlocking the ports Agent Greeting it worked.


The next problem was more unusual, there was nothing at all on the VVB.

I started looking for the problem consistently using call flow for Agent Greeting.

I will describe the call flow from Agent Greeting below:

1. Agent PIM sends Route request to DN "PlayAgentGreeting"

2. Routel replies with VRU label for CUCM.

3. AgentPIM requests phone to addMediaStream.

4. Call is initiated from the phone BIB to the DN specified in the addMediaStream request.

5. CVP sends Request Instruction message to RTR.

6. Router replies with RunExtScript PM, -a

7. CVP creates wav file name and instructs VVB to play it.


To analyze the problem, I collected the following logs:

rtr, jgw, agent pim, CVP, capture VVB, ccm and sdl logs from CUCM

Look at point 1 in call flow and open Agent PIM log. Opening the log, I saw that they were not sent Route request to DN "PlayAgentGreeting".

There should be such an event, but it was not:



I did not find any information why this is happening, but the problem needs to be resolved quickly. I thought that most likely some kind of problem in the script. Indeed, we forgot to add a block with the Call.AgentGreetingType variable, which is responsible for choosing the type of greeting.

 After adding a block with a variable to the script, the problem went away. 

Be careful!

I hope my article will help someone understand the problem.



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