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Cisco Jabber MRA login fails from Android and iOS


      ++ Jabber for IOS 14.1.0 on IOS Version 15.3.1. When logging into Jabber, the app locks up when Loading Contacts. The app does not progress. There is no option to pull a problem report. The only option is to close the app and re-launch.

       ++ When a user logs into Jabber for Android 14.1 via expressway, they get a blank screen and cannot use Jabber at all. When they log in via VPN, Jabber logs in fine.


Enabling Unified CM, CUC & IM&P

To enable OAuth to perform the following procedure
1. Go to Cisco Unified Communications Manager Admin > System > Enterprise
Parameters > SSO and OAuth Configuration
2. "Select OAuth with Refresh Login Flow" set Enable/Disable support OAuth feature



Enabling Unity Connection:

To enable Unity Connection for OAuth support, the administrator must perform two steps.

1) Go to Cisco Unity Connection  > Enterprise Parameters > Enable the OAuth service

2) To fetch the signing and encryption keys Unity must be configured with the Unified CM
host details and a user account enabled for Unified CM AXL access
Go to AuthZ Servers > Add New


Enabling Expressway
If Expressway is providing Mobile and Remote Access to Jabber clients, then the following
the procedure can be used to enable Expressway servers for OAuth with a refresh.
1. Connect to the Expressway-C server and navigate to
Configuration > Unified Communications > Configuration


Navigate to the Configuration > Unified Communications > Unified CM servers
and select each cluster by ticking the box next to the publisher address, and then
click refresh servers. This allows Expressway-C to fetch the signing and
encryption keys from Unified CM that will be used by Expressway-C to verify each
access and refresh token used by the Jabber clients connecting over MRA. This
Unified CM refresh operation is a standard practice that needs to be performed after
upgrading or making significant configuration changes on Unified CM.


Level 1
Level 1

Anything helpful for 11.5.1 ? those options are not available  



2022-03-15 17_14_48-Window.png


Got the below update from Cisco TAC:-


They have approved version 14.1.1 for deployment.

It has been handed off to the Apple Store and the Google Play Store for Android.


Once the respective companies approve and publish, it will be available for mass download. Unfortunately, I don’t know the timeframe for the respective stores to publish Application Updates. Please let me know if you have any questions.


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