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Class of Service can be implemented in different ways, using the Class of Service with a Globalized Call routing is easy to implement and more scalable using the existence Translation Patterns that globalize the inputs. Starting from CUCM 10.X, Translation Patterns can use Originator's Calling Search Space. It gives the administrators more granularities when implementing Unified Dial Plan with Globalized Call Routing.

By definition the translation pattern is used to match the dialed digits before matching a route pattern, before the CUCM 10X, traditionally the Translation Pattern as the source of call needs a CSS to access the partition of a route pattern for call routing. This means the originating devices or lines CSS is lost and not taken into consideration after digit modification is performed at the translation pattern. The disappointing result is that you lost the caller's calling privileges.

With this Option, administrators can control and make sure that the original caller’s calling privileges are maintained after digit manipulation by the translation pattern, the "Use Originator's Calling Seach Space" check boxes means that the Call Control CUCM will apply the Devices or Lines CSS to determine if the caller can access the route pattern's partition such as the route pattern for international dialing.

When you use the Globalized Call Routing. This option helps the administrator to configure fewer patterns and makes the scalability very easy.

If the translation pattern CSS include the blocked partition of route pattern or it didn’t include the blocked partition. The Phones CSS (it does not matter if it includes the blocked partition route pattern) will be replaced by the translation pattern CSS so all phones are treated equally in term of calling privileges.

Using the Originator's CSS at the translation level, the same translation pattern can be used by all calling parties and the Phones CSS that determines the calling privileges are inherited as a result if Phone 1 has a CSS that includes the blocked partition route pattern, the call is blocked and if phone 2 has a CSS that does not include the blocked partition route pattern, the call is allowed.

Using the Class of Service in a Globalized Call Routing with the Originator's CSS at the translation level, you can implement granular classes of services easily, you create a specific blocked route patterns, you put them into a partition, then you create a new CSS that includes this partition and the rest of partitions the user can dials, and apply the CSS to appropriate users. As a result regardless how the number is dialed, the translation pattern will globalize the localized user input at the call ingress with the option to use the Originator's CSS.

For example in a globalized call routing, we want to block one specific country Australia for some users. We need a class of service that does not allow calls to Australia (61) and another class of service that allows calls to all countries.

We can create two routes patterns as follow to exclude call to +61 as follow:

The two route patterns below matches all international numbers except \+61!.

Route Pattern: \+[^6]! in Partiton PSTN-Exclude-AU-PT.

Route Pattern: \+6[^1]! in Partition PSTN-Exclude-AU-PT.

The route pattern below matches calls to Australia.

Route Pattern: \+61! in Partition Australia-PT.

Note: these route patterns should be configured with "Route This Pattern" Option.

At the translation pattern we check the Use Originator's CSS option.

If Phone 1 is allowed to dial all international numbers, it needs a CSS PSTN-CSS that includes both partitions PSTN-Exclude-AU-PT and Australia-PT.

If Phone 2 is allowed to dial all international numbers except Australia country, it needs a CSS PSTN-Exclude-AU-CSS that includes partition PSTN-Exclude-AU-PT.

In a complex deployement with different classes of service, configuring such route patterns is not easy to read. To make it simple, we create a specific blocked route pattern \+61! with "Block This Pattern" option, and we put this route pattern into a partition Block-to-AUSTRALIA-and-SJ-1-PT and we create a CSS Jabber-Limited-CSS that includes this partition.

We have to make sure that the translation patterns that globalizes the user input has the Use originator' s Calling Search Space checked so that the originating CSS Jabber-Limited-CSS that matches the blocked route pattern is not replaced by the the Translation Pattern's CSS.

Finally the blocked route pattern should be in +E.164 format. For example to block calls to Australia, we need to use \+61! instead of 901161! because the user can place a call to Australia by dialing +61 instead of 901161!, dialing +61 will match the globalized route pattern \+! that all calls to PSTN.

What if we want to block calls to specific subscriber number 14082347788, using this approach, we can achieve this goal easily, we create a specific route pattern \+14082347788 with "Block This Pattern" option checked (similar with the example block calls to Australia with route pattern \+61! with "Block This Pattern" option checked), and we put it in the same partition Block-to-AUSTRALIA-and-SJ-1-PT as \+61! or in different partition, depending to the requirements.

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