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Vivek Batra
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

Digit manipulation techniques covered under Cisco IOS are so much granular and hence comes with sort of confusion too. Specifically with POTS dial peer, many additional techniques are available viz digit-strip, prefix, forward-digits etc along with number expansion and my favorite translation rules and profiles. I have had many discussions on CSC about the exact sequence of all these techniques being applied during call flow. Let's have a look at one of the call flow and apply each of the technique available in Cisco IOS.

Taking following POTS dial peer as an example;

  dial-peer voice 1 pots

    destination-patter 7......$

    port 0/2/0:15

1. Dial 7222222

Because of default behavior of automatic digit stripping of explicitly matched string on POTS dial peer, IOS will strip leading 7.

Actual dialed number: 222222

2. Apply no digit-strip

 dial-peer voice 1 pots

    destination-patter ^7......$

    no digit-strip

    port 0/2/0:15

Actual dialed number: 7222222

3. Apply number expansion

    num-exp 1234 7222222

Now dial 1234, it will first translate to 7222222. This will match the destination-pattern under dial-peer voice 1 and following will be the actual dialed number.

Actual dialed number: 7222222

4. Now we apply the translation profile to change the dialed number viz 7222222 to 8222222

    voice-translation rule 1

      rule 1 /^7\(.*\)$/ /8\1/

    voice-translation profile POTS

      translate called 1

Apply this to dial peer voice 1;

 dial-peer voice 1 pots

    translation-profile outgoing POTS

    destination-patter ^7......$

    no digit-strip <<Once number is given to translation profile, this command has no relevance>>

    port 0/2/0:15

Now if you dial 1234, number expansion will translate it to 7222222. It will match dial-peer voice 1 and translation profile being applied under dial-peer will change the actual dialed number as;

  Actual dialed number: 8222222

5. Strip leading 8 using forward-digits command

 dial-peer voice 1 pots

    translation-profile outgoing POTS

    destination-patter ^7......$

    forward-digits 6

    port 0/2/0:15

Now if you dial 1234, will change the actual dialed number as;

  Actual dialed number: 222222

6. Add again 8 as prefix using prefix command

dial-peer voice 1 pots

    translation-profile outgoing POTS

    destination-patter ^7......$

    forward-digits 6

    prefix 8

    port 0/2/0:15

Now if you dial 1234, will change the actual dialed number as;

  Actual dialed number: 8222222


Best Regards

Vivek Batra

1 Comment
Level 1
Level 1

This is great info and examples.

Thanks Vivek!

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