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Level 5

b+s brings Lightning to the forefront of the Salesforce Experience this summer by adding the ability to route and report on Salesforce Omni-Channel interactions.


b+s continues a product strategy of providing access to the full suite of native Salesforce features, and is proud to announce that with the latest version of “b+s Connects” it is now possible to route and report on Salesforce Omni-Channel interactions through Cisco universal queue for both Lightning and Classic.

Pairing the power of Salesforce Omni-Channel with enterprise class routing of Cisco Contact Center streamlines work within the contact center with centralized scheduling, blended reporting, unified workflows, and enabling a “single-source of truth”. To understand what UQ means for your business, check out this insight paper. CLICK HERE


Product News Connects for Salesforce 4.3.JPG



Along with full-featured routing capabilities, using b+s Connects, it is now possible to be more proactive with contextual data and agent alerts.

The b+s Connects Integration API for Lightning exposes capabilities to easily customize environments to react and interact with customer data to streamline business-critical processes.


What Now?

Upgrading Connects today will ensure greater functionality and increased stability, which translates into efficiency, which in turn means superior customer journey tracking.

If you want to connect and take action, be sure to get in touch with us.

We’re always eager to hear from you!




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