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Level 11
Level 11
This document was generated from CDN thread

Created by: Jimmy Heyes on 09-11-2011 07:58:44 AM
Recently  nstalled 3 C60 integrater codecs to dual screen 65" NEC HD plasma's.
The screens were 10 metres away. I used HDMI /HDMI to the first screen and DVI/DVI to the second screen.
Both screens had intermitant sparkly red and white lines flashing across the screens.
I changed the cables for a higher quality at the first site this resolved the issue on the HDMI/HDMI first screen but still had no change at the orther 2 sites or the DVI/DVI connection .
I then used a high quality Teck link screened HDMI/DVI for the second screen first site and this worked.
The other 2 sites did not work so I moved the C60and used 5 metre high quality Tech link cables this worked fine on 1 site the second site the DVI/DVI cable still had sparkly red /white lines .
I changed the resulotion to 1366 x 768 and the lines went.
The C60 codec docs state that you should be able to go upto 15 metres to the screen.
Do you have any suggestions  as to how to get the distance from the codec to the screens greater than 3 nmetres???

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