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Level 11
Level 11
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Created by: Yasser sayed on 18-02-2010 07:09:14 AM
I test to set another agent to the same session put the program stop running

this means that on set agent  mode any agent need his own session

if the need to login 10 agents i need 10 session opened?

Subject: RE: New Message from Yasser sayed in Computer Telephony Integration Object
Replied by: David Lender on 18-02-2010 01:16:55 PM
In agent mode you have one agent per session.

Subject: RE: New Message from Yasser sayed in Computer Telephony Integration Object
Replied by: Yasser sayed on 18-02-2010 01:22:13 PM
but if i need to conrol many agents what i can do without using interface
and not using monitor mode
for example
1-when a call come i search for ready agents and assign call to it?
2-during a call i get dialed number and open custom application refer to this number?

Subject: RE: New Message from Yasser sayed in Computer Telephony Integration Object
Replied by: David Lender on 18-02-2010 01:44:55 PM
You create a thread and agent mode session for each agent.

Subject: RE: New Message from Yasser sayed in Computer Telephony Integration Object
Replied by: Yasser sayed on 18-02-2010 04:29:04 PM
But if i have 100 agents this  means low performance ?
 i need  some thing as a container  can control the life cycle of agents

Subject: RE: New Message from Yasser sayed in Computer Telephony Integration Object
Replied by: Shannon McCoy on 15-07-2010 10:59:03 AM
But if i have 100 agents this  means low performance ?
 i need  some thing as a container  can control the life cycle of agents

The performance is the same either way when controlling 100 agents. You do suffer a thread context switch overhead but if have a multicore processor you get the advantage of having multiple processors hanlding the threads at the same time. If you use a single threaded "container" then you only get 1 processor but you still have 100 agents to process. The message overhead is the same either way.
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